After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
A wonderful celebration of such a memorable man! What moving words in all the tributes and songs.
So many happy memories. Thankyou for the opportunity to watch the service.
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2Timothy 4:7
What a beautiful man of God, his life epitomised who Christ is. Thank you for sharing.
May you be comforted, encouraged n blessed as you reflect on bro Bruce’s Christlike life.
This was a great honour for me to be part of Uncle Bruce’s farewell . He and Aunty Jean where the perfect example for me as to how to raise my own children . I respected them very much . RIP Bruce . Julie Wood, Greg Woods wife and Ruth Woods daughter in-law .
So many beautiful memories stirred through all that was shared. Thanking God for Bruce and the privilege of having known him. He and Jean were so good to me in many ways.
I loved the reference to the Strathalan carer, Vera, whom I remembered from my years as chaplain there
Beautiful celebration of such an amazing life – 28 great grand children! An incredible legacy and wonderful memories! You spoke so well Janeece. Loved the photo tribute. Much love to all the family today as they grieve the loss of a dearly loved father and Grandpa.
Such a beautiful celebration Neecie. So glad to share it with you and Steve and your gorgeous family.
Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you. xx
Anything you need we are only a call away. xx
A wonderful celebration of such a memorable man! What moving words in all the tributes and songs.
So many happy memories. Thankyou for the opportunity to watch the service.
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” 2Timothy 4:7
What a beautiful man of God, his life epitomised who Christ is. Thank you for sharing.
May you be comforted, encouraged n blessed as you reflect on bro Bruce’s Christlike life.
This was a great honour for me to be part of Uncle Bruce’s farewell . He and Aunty Jean where the perfect example for me as to how to raise my own children . I respected them very much . RIP Bruce . Julie Wood, Greg Woods wife and Ruth Woods daughter in-law .
So many beautiful memories stirred through all that was shared. Thanking God for Bruce and the privilege of having known him. He and Jean were so good to me in many ways.
I loved the reference to the Strathalan carer, Vera, whom I remembered from my years as chaplain there
Beautiful celebration of such an amazing life – 28 great grand children! An incredible legacy and wonderful memories! You spoke so well Janeece. Loved the photo tribute. Much love to all the family today as they grieve the loss of a dearly loved father and Grandpa.
Such a beautiful celebration Neecie. So glad to share it with you and Steve and your gorgeous family.
Our thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you. xx
Anything you need we are only a call away. xx