Streaming of Funeral Service

After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.

This service will have a password applied once edited, you will then need to contact the family for the password to access.

Following the service, the footage will be posted and you can watch at a later time if you were unable to watch at the time of the service.

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6 comments on “Andrea Celle”

  1. Cari cugini
    Grazie per averci fatto partecipare alla cerimonia per lo Zio
    Le foto, le musiche e i vostri ricordi ci hanno molto commosso
    un abbraccio a tutti voi e a Zia Ann
    Rita Antonio Gina Luisa Margherita Elisabetta xxx

  2. Grazie,abbiamo, in questo modo, partecipato anche noi. I vostri ricordi e le musiche scelte ci hanno commossi. Zio Andrea e’ e sara’ sempre nei nostri ricordi. Il suo amore per Ameglia e la sua famiglia di origine era grande. Le nostre conversazioni tramite Skype erano frequenti e piacevoli
    Un abbraccio a zia Anna e a tutti voi. Rita, Antonio, Gina, Luisa, Elisabetta, Margherita

  3. The service was beautiful and a fitting way to celebrate a great man.
    Well done to all. Uncle Andy would be so proud of you all xxx

  4. Watching from Albury. A privilege. Beautiful photos too.

    Arrivederci Zio, e grazie xxx

    Monica Wallace
    tua nipote

  5. Dear Lewis, Sandra, Di and families.

    So sorry for your loss. Uncle Andy was such a wonderful man who loved his family very much.
    Personally, I have many beautiful memories of Uncle Andy at family gatherings and our on going dialogue and debate over all Carltonand Collingwood matters.
    His laugh was just contagious. I could not have wished for a more loving or kinder Uncle.

    Rest in Peace Uncle Andy.

    Brent xxx

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