Streaming of Funeral Service

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9 comments on “Angus Spargo”

  1. Hello Warwick
    You should be proud of Angus and what he achieved. Sorry I could not be at the funeral service, (still getting over open heart surgery), but I watched the live stream.
    Condolences and best regards.
    Arthur Muir

  2. Angus was a divine human being. He showed great resilience and cooperation with others. He was prepared to try new and scary things which showed a strength of character. Andrew and I feel honoured to have known him and thank him for the lessons that he taught us. Thank you Warwick and Jane for sharing Angus with us and the wider scout community. Your loss is great and we hold you in our prayers.

  3. Warwick, Kate, Jack and Maeve, Thinking of you all at this difficult time. The service was a very special celebration of his life. We send you all our love and thoughts. Lots of love Jo, Brett, Jean, Neil and family.

  4. Our deepest sympathy to Jane, Warwick and Maeve and their extended families and friends. RIP young Angus.

  5. My sincere condolences to all of Angus’s family and friends.

    He will always be remembered as the happy smiling young boy who attended Hughesdale Primary.

    May the good times be remembered always.

  6. Jane, Warwick and Maeve. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time and we send our best wishes and love and support. RIP Angus

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