After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
To Helen and Debbie
So hard for me to say good by to my gentle and kind dear friend Anna.
I am looking forward to when we will hug each other and tears of joy fill our faces.
Dear Helen and Debi ,
We are so sad for our aunt’s lost.
We thinking of you every day from ,wish to be next to you to soft your pain.
Hope to meet her again soon
Kostas, Sofia , Maria, Christina,Anna
Dear Debbie, Maddie and Helen,
Our thoughts are with you and we send you all our love. She was a truly beautiful person.
Thank you for the live stream and photo stream.
Until we meet her again.
Love and sympathy ♥️
Lela, Natassa, Nikos & Anna
Dear Helen, Debi and Madi
Thinking of you all and so touched by the beautiful thoughts and memories you shared about your loving, generous and devoted mother and grandmother. It was always a pleasure to be with sister Anna and we will miss her and share your tears and pain. May Jehovah comfort and strengthen you until the beautiful resurrection reunion when you can wrap your arms around her again.
Lots of love from Silviya
Wonderful sister Anna. A GR8 spiritual person, loving, caring mother, GR8 cook. Everything said today is all positive. I remember you as the phone savvy sister, always pleasant and positive.
We all feel very sad today but also very positive about the future.
This beautiful hope makes all the difference for family, relatives and all the rest of us as friends.
Debbie Maddie Helen family, I am sorry for your loss. Anna was such a kind generous person. She always had time for me. When you were overseas we enjoyed a meal together and reading the bible. She was so great with prophecy. Just a wealth of knowledge I never felt I brought much to the study but so enjoyed her company. She would talk about you all with so much love and would do look forward to the trips to see you. She would plan all the presents she wanted to give you when she was there. Each thought out carefully. When she returned she would tell me all about it.
With the trials you have all gone through she was so positive Jehovah would help you all through. He will never forget all she has done. We all look forward to seeing her in paradise.
My love to you all. Xoxoxo Kylie Boorer
Dear Debbie, Madeline & family.
Our prayers are with you all as you grieve the loss of your wonderful and loving mother & Yaya.
We have only fond and warm memories of Anna and her consistent support and love in the ministry.
We used to call her Anna the prophetess, as in Anna who was never missing from the temple, because if she wasn’t at the meeting, we knew something was up or she was really sick.
I recall taking her home on many occasions and enjoying lunch together in her little flat. There were also many occasions in the field where we worked together and often enjoyed a coffee at the end.
We loved her dearly as a member of our spiritual family and special friend in the congregation.
She was and will be again a beautiful and loyal servant of Jehovah, while she remains in Jehovah’s memory.
It was certainly her love for Jehovah that we will remember most, and her memory will not fade, and we look forward to seeing her in the new system.
All our warmest love and condolences, Mark & Jay Eaton
Dear Debbie, Madeline & family.
Our prayers are with you all as you grieve the loss of your wonderful and loving mother & Yaya.
We have only fond and warm memories of Anna and her consistent support and love in the ministry.
We used to call her Anna the prophetess, as in Anna who was never missing from the temple, because if she wasn’t at the meeting, we knew something was up or she was really sick.
I recall taking her home on many occasions and enjoying lunch together in her little flat. There were also many occasions in the field where we worked together and often enjoyed a coffee at the end.
We loved her dearly as a member of our spiritual family and special friend in the congregation.
She was and will be again a beautiful and loyal servant of Jehovah, while she remains in Jehovah’s memory.
It was certainly her love for Jehovah that we will remember most, and her memory will not fade, and we look forward to seeing her in the new system.
All our warmest love and condolences, Mark & Jay Eaton
Dear Debi, Madi and family
We are so sorry for such a sad loss. Your words to Anna during the service were so moving. What a truly amazing lady. I look forward to getting to know her better soon. Thinking of you and praying for Jehovah to give you the strength needed to endure during this sad time.
All our love
Dani and Lily
We love your dearly Helen & Debi and our hearts are aching for you right now. We loved your precious mum and we can’t wait to give her the biggest hugs very soon! Both of us, having lost a parent, draw a lot of comfort from Luke 20:38-“He is a God, not of the dead but of the living, for they are all living to him.” Thank you for the privilege of being a part of this memorial service celebrating the life of such a special sister and friend.
All our love,
William & Freya Saba
My sincere condoleances.
I met sister Anna briefly when I was moved to St.Kilda Congregation and immediacy felt her gentle, loving spirit.
We all look forward to meeting her when Jesus will wake her up.
Be courageous and strong and keep the eyes on the prize. With Jehoah’s blessings.
Dear Debbi, Maddy and Family, We are so sorry for the loss of your beautiful dear mum. Our hearts ache for you during this difficult time and we can’t wait to see the fulfillment of Jehovah’s promises and welcome your mum back in the resurrection. Thank you for sharing today’s service with us, it was a beautiful memorial filled with so much love and wonderful memories. Our love to you all.
Your words of love and admiration for your beloved Anna, along with brother Sabas expressions were such a fitting memorial to the beautiful, loving, generous, spiritual woman she is. My heart is with you all at this time my darlings. I hope you can soon think of her with only joy and anticipation to be in her arms again.
We know you’ll find comfort from such an encouraging talk. We can only agree with your sentiments about your Mum, she was always a pleasure to be with. So glad we could join with you today.
Love to all
Ron & Margaret
The family and I are sending you lots of love and our thoughts and prayers are with you. Anna was a strong woman who put Jehovah first. She was only one of a few who could tell Rosamond and me apart, she took an interest in us and she will truly be missed.
X Gilden Family
It was such a lovely talk by William, and I loved finding out a bit more about Sister Anna. I remember going witnessing with her on Mondays and she always made an effort to be friendly & smiley and was so encouraging to me.
She is very much loved and missed until we see her again very soon.
Thakns for providing this live stream so I could attend virtually.
Your Mum was such a beautiful person and so kind to us when we moved into St Kilda and knew very few.
Lyn especially always enjoyed chatting with your Mum.
It was lovely to learn of her background and her love and loyalty to her family and the truth.
Love John and Lyn
Dear Debbi, Maddi and family
Thinking of you all on this very sad day, your mum will be missed dearly and we look forward to the day when we can see her again. May Jehovah give you the strength and support during this difficult time.
Love Linda x
I’m so sorry for your loss. Sister Anna was such a great example of faith and, as mentioned today, ‘quiet strength.’ My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this time, and I look forward to meeting Sister Anna again in the future.
-Karlie Smith
Dear Debi, Madi & family. Our thoughts & prayers continue for you as we pray that Jehovah continues to give the strength to cope. 2 Cor 1:3. While listening to the service Christine was having her drainage so may some of the nurses that were coming and going may have heard some of the precious seeds of truth.
Warm love and sympathy
Steve & Christine
Your words of love and admiration for your beloved Anna, along with brother Sabas expressions were such a fitting memorial to the beautiful, loving, generous, spiritual woman she is. My heart is with you all at this time my darlings. I hope you can soon think of her with only joy and anticipation to be in her arms again.
To Debi, Helen and Madi
Thinking of you and crying with you. Your mom will be very missed especially when I find a Greek lady on telephone witnessing, she loved following up and was so diligent.
Love and prayers with you all
Dearest Madi, Debbie and Helen
Thinking of you so much today. Your words to your Mum and yiayia are so beautiful. Cannot wait to see your mum again. Love you all lots xxxx Sym, candy, orson and Tuesday xx
To Helen and Debbie
So hard for me to say good by to my gentle and kind dear friend Anna.
I am looking forward to when we will hug each other and tears of joy fill our faces.
Dear Helen and Debi ,
We are so sad for our aunt’s lost.
We thinking of you every day from ,wish to be next to you to soft your pain.
Hope to meet her again soon
Kostas, Sofia , Maria, Christina,Anna
Dear Debbie, Maddie and Helen,
Our thoughts are with you and we send you all our love. She was a truly beautiful person.
Thank you for the live stream and photo stream.
Until we meet her again.
Love and sympathy ♥️
Lela, Natassa, Nikos & Anna
Dear Helen, Debi and Madi
Thinking of you all and so touched by the beautiful thoughts and memories you shared about your loving, generous and devoted mother and grandmother. It was always a pleasure to be with sister Anna and we will miss her and share your tears and pain. May Jehovah comfort and strengthen you until the beautiful resurrection reunion when you can wrap your arms around her again.
Lots of love from Silviya
Wonderful sister Anna. A GR8 spiritual person, loving, caring mother, GR8 cook. Everything said today is all positive. I remember you as the phone savvy sister, always pleasant and positive.
We all feel very sad today but also very positive about the future.
This beautiful hope makes all the difference for family, relatives and all the rest of us as friends.
Dear Debbie and Helen.
So sorry for your los.
The best mum and the best friend.
Come on new system…Riet
Debbie Maddie Helen family, I am sorry for your loss. Anna was such a kind generous person. She always had time for me. When you were overseas we enjoyed a meal together and reading the bible. She was so great with prophecy. Just a wealth of knowledge I never felt I brought much to the study but so enjoyed her company. She would talk about you all with so much love and would do look forward to the trips to see you. She would plan all the presents she wanted to give you when she was there. Each thought out carefully. When she returned she would tell me all about it.
With the trials you have all gone through she was so positive Jehovah would help you all through. He will never forget all she has done. We all look forward to seeing her in paradise.
My love to you all. Xoxoxo Kylie Boorer
Dear Debbie, Madeline & family.
Our prayers are with you all as you grieve the loss of your wonderful and loving mother & Yaya.
We have only fond and warm memories of Anna and her consistent support and love in the ministry.
We used to call her Anna the prophetess, as in Anna who was never missing from the temple, because if she wasn’t at the meeting, we knew something was up or she was really sick.
I recall taking her home on many occasions and enjoying lunch together in her little flat. There were also many occasions in the field where we worked together and often enjoyed a coffee at the end.
We loved her dearly as a member of our spiritual family and special friend in the congregation.
She was and will be again a beautiful and loyal servant of Jehovah, while she remains in Jehovah’s memory.
It was certainly her love for Jehovah that we will remember most, and her memory will not fade, and we look forward to seeing her in the new system.
All our warmest love and condolences, Mark & Jay Eaton
Dear Debbie, Madeline & family.
Our prayers are with you all as you grieve the loss of your wonderful and loving mother & Yaya.
We have only fond and warm memories of Anna and her consistent support and love in the ministry.
We used to call her Anna the prophetess, as in Anna who was never missing from the temple, because if she wasn’t at the meeting, we knew something was up or she was really sick.
I recall taking her home on many occasions and enjoying lunch together in her little flat. There were also many occasions in the field where we worked together and often enjoyed a coffee at the end.
We loved her dearly as a member of our spiritual family and special friend in the congregation.
She was and will be again a beautiful and loyal servant of Jehovah, while she remains in Jehovah’s memory.
It was certainly her love for Jehovah that we will remember most, and her memory will not fade, and we look forward to seeing her in the new system.
All our warmest love and condolences, Mark & Jay Eaton
Dear Debi, Madi and family
We are so sorry for such a sad loss. Your words to Anna during the service were so moving. What a truly amazing lady. I look forward to getting to know her better soon. Thinking of you and praying for Jehovah to give you the strength needed to endure during this sad time.
All our love
Dani and Lily
We love your dearly Helen & Debi and our hearts are aching for you right now. We loved your precious mum and we can’t wait to give her the biggest hugs very soon! Both of us, having lost a parent, draw a lot of comfort from Luke 20:38-“He is a God, not of the dead but of the living, for they are all living to him.” Thank you for the privilege of being a part of this memorial service celebrating the life of such a special sister and friend.
All our love,
William & Freya Saba
My sincere condoleances.
I met sister Anna briefly when I was moved to St.Kilda Congregation and immediacy felt her gentle, loving spirit.
We all look forward to meeting her when Jesus will wake her up.
Be courageous and strong and keep the eyes on the prize. With Jehoah’s blessings.
Dear Debbi, Maddy and Family, We are so sorry for the loss of your beautiful dear mum. Our hearts ache for you during this difficult time and we can’t wait to see the fulfillment of Jehovah’s promises and welcome your mum back in the resurrection. Thank you for sharing today’s service with us, it was a beautiful memorial filled with so much love and wonderful memories. Our love to you all.
Beautiful Debi and Maddi,
Your words of love and admiration for your beloved Anna, along with brother Sabas expressions were such a fitting memorial to the beautiful, loving, generous, spiritual woman she is. My heart is with you all at this time my darlings. I hope you can soon think of her with only joy and anticipation to be in her arms again.
All my love xo
We know you’ll find comfort from such an encouraging talk. We can only agree with your sentiments about your Mum, she was always a pleasure to be with. So glad we could join with you today.
Love to all
Ron & Margaret
Dear Helen, Debi, Madi, and Family,
What a beautiful service that described exactly how amazing your Mum, Yia-yia, and our dear friend Anna was to us.
Safely in Jehovah’s memory and until we see her again.
Much love, Timson Family xx
Dear Debi, Helen and Madi
The family and I are sending you lots of love and our thoughts and prayers are with you. Anna was a strong woman who put Jehovah first. She was only one of a few who could tell Rosamond and me apart, she took an interest in us and she will truly be missed.
X Gilden Family
Dear Deb and Madi
We are thinking of you both at this very difficult time and pray Jehovah continue to support you through it all. Love Lain, Elaina, Reid and Clay
Dear Debbie, Maddie and Helen,
It was such a lovely talk by William, and I loved finding out a bit more about Sister Anna. I remember going witnessing with her on Mondays and she always made an effort to be friendly & smiley and was so encouraging to me.
She is very much loved and missed until we see her again very soon.
Thakns for providing this live stream so I could attend virtually.
Much love,
Hannah Murray
Dear Helen, Debi and Madi,
Thank you for the opportunity to be with you today via link. You have honoured Anna very much. We love you and miss you……. Mel & Andrew xx
Your Mum was such a beautiful person and so kind to us when we moved into St Kilda and knew very few.
Lyn especially always enjoyed chatting with your Mum.
It was lovely to learn of her background and her love and loyalty to her family and the truth.
Love John and Lyn
Dear Debbi, Maddi and family
Thinking of you all on this very sad day, your mum will be missed dearly and we look forward to the day when we can see her again. May Jehovah give you the strength and support during this difficult time.
Love Linda x
Thinking of you all x
I’m so sorry for your loss. Sister Anna was such a great example of faith and, as mentioned today, ‘quiet strength.’ My thoughts and prayers are with your family at this time, and I look forward to meeting Sister Anna again in the future.
-Karlie Smith
Love you guys lots and thinking of you all! ❤️❤️
Dear Debi, Madi & family. Our thoughts & prayers continue for you as we pray that Jehovah continues to give the strength to cope. 2 Cor 1:3. While listening to the service Christine was having her drainage so may some of the nurses that were coming and going may have heard some of the precious seeds of truth.
Warm love and sympathy
Steve & Christine
Beautiful Debi and Maddi,
Your words of love and admiration for your beloved Anna, along with brother Sabas expressions were such a fitting memorial to the beautiful, loving, generous, spiritual woman she is. My heart is with you all at this time my darlings. I hope you can soon think of her with only joy and anticipation to be in her arms again.
All my love xo
To Debi, Helen and Madi
Thinking of you and crying with you. Your mom will be very missed especially when I find a Greek lady on telephone witnessing, she loved following up and was so diligent.
Love and prayers with you all
Dearest Madi, Debbie and Helen
Thinking of you so much today. Your words to your Mum and yiayia are so beautiful. Cannot wait to see your mum again. Love you all lots xxxx Sym, candy, orson and Tuesday xx
So sorry for your loss.
May Jehovah give you the strength at this time.
Until we see her again. X