After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
What a beautiful service for a wonderful lady that inspired and love so many. Thank you for sharing this wonderful video with us.. so much love and healing to Bev’s family❤️❤️❤️ – from Pai & Carsten Andersen
Rest In Peace beautiful lady your beautiful spirit lives on in your beautiful family
I am sorry I couldn’t be there, such a beautiful service and I loved the song 🙂
Wish you all well xo
Beautiful service RIP Bevvie many beautiful memories to hold onto xxxx sending love xxxx
Beautiful service for a wonderful lady who touch so many lives and lived life to the fullest so many memories for all who was touch by her
What a beautiful service for a wonderful lady that inspired and love so many. Thank you for sharing this wonderful video with us.. so much love and healing to Bev’s family❤️❤️❤️ – from Pai & Carsten Andersen
A beautiful celebration. Xxx
Beautiful service for a total sparkling diamond of a woman I wish I could have been there today Bev all my love Ash & Luna xx
Beautiful service for a beautiful lady
Rest peacefully Bev I am sure you will continue your wonderful life in heaven Xxx
beautiful service will be greatly missed rest in peace bev thinking of all your very large family on this sad day xx
Beautiful celebration of life! Thoughts are with you all! Love from the U.K
Rest peacefully Bev Calcedo’s
Thinking of you all. X
Beautiful service for a beautiful lady. Ooxx
May you rest in peace Bevvy, your spirit will live on in the hearts of all those you touched – to infinity + beyond… X x
RIP Bev you’ll never be forgotten xxx
Beautiful lady, beautiful soul
Bev you are an amazing lady who will be sadly missed ❤️
RIP To a lady many looked up to and loved… I know your family will think of you every day
Beautiful farewell for a beautiful lady
Beautiful celebration of a life. Xox