After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
Ineke you must be very proud of your man ! A nice service & reminiscences from family that were very touching . I learned a lot of other things about Bill’s life that I was not aware of previously ! Thank you for sharing this occasion with Dawn & me .
Take care Luv us xx
Ineke you must be very proud of your man ! A nice service & reminiscences from family that were very touching . I learned a lot of other things about Bill’s life that I was not aware of previously ! Thank you for sharing this occasion with Dawn & me .
Take care Luv us xx
What a beautiful, kind and loving man. Bill you have left wonderful memories, you were one of a kind.
Ineke thank you so much for allowing my family to join you on such a sad day.