Before the Service

The Service

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14 comments on “Brenda Sands”

  1. Uncle Pat, Rosemary,Will, Kathi and Family,
    Thank you for letting us share such a lovely service from afar. It was a very poignant and moving tribute to Auntie Brenda. We are thinking of you all at this sad time.

  2. How wonderful to be able to share in this wonderful service, a real tribute to Brenda, so warm and personal with all the love of the family, despite the unusual circumstances. As William said, no fuss but at the same time shared all over the world. Graham and I send our deepest sympathy and much love to Uncle Pat, Rosemary, William and Kathi and all their families.

  3. A lovely service. Thank you for making it available to all of us who couldn’t be there. Thinking of you all.

  4. A lovely service. So many happy memories of Aunty Brenda from the Sunday lunches after Church in Burnham as a child to the warm welcome she always gave when I visited Australia as an adult. My love and prayers with you all at this time. Wendy & Tony xx

  5. Pat and I have just watched the beautiful service to celebrate Brenda life. Thank you for sharing it with us. Brenda was all the wonderful things that were said. So pleased she came into our life with her warmth and love.

  6. Dear Pat, Rosemary. William. Katherine and family

    Thank you so much for enabling us to be able to witness such a beautiful service and tribute to Auntie Brenda.
    Our thoughts and love are with you all

    Ken and Dianne Gardner

  7. Dear Uncle Pat, Rosemary, William, Katherine and family,

    Thank you for sharing such a lovely tribute to Auntie Brenda and for giving us an insight to the loving and happy life that she led. It really comes across how important her family were to her. We always knew of her as Grandads (Norman) sister and has always been Auntie Brenda to us.

    Love and best wishes to you all Sharon (Gardner) and family

  8. A wonderful and fitting service. Thank you for sharing.
    My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Take care and stay safe.

  9. Dearest Granny,
    I will always remember the many times you and Grandpa baby-sat me as a child and all the times we went out with Sophie to Kings Park.
    In more recent years Josh and I have very fond memories of all the afternoon teas and dinners we shared at your home in Salisbury street.
    It was also truly a blessing that you got to meet our little Abigail via video call.
    We will never forget your gentle nature along with all the lovely memories we have of you. We will miss you greatly.

  10. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and moving service. It was lovely to be able to be with you to say goodbye to Brenda and remember the love she gave us all. Our love and prayers are with you today and

  11. Dear Pat, Rosemary, William , Kathi and family
    It has been a privilege to be part of the lovely service from the distance. Granny Brenda with her kindness, class and humility has been a such great part of our life and will remain in our thoughts forever.
    Lendis ,Zlatan,Ljubo and Stefan

  12. A beautiful tribute to Brenda celebrating a
    loving life so well lived, so glad I could join the service
    Thinking of you all
    Much Love

  13. Beautiful celebration of Brenda’s life. Love to all the family and friends of Brenda at this difficult time.

  14. We are all honoured and blessed to have known Granny Brenda. Prayers and fond memories will forever remain in our hearts. All our love, Rosanne, Daniel, Oliver & Oscar

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