Streaming of Funeral Service

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26 comments on “Brett Saffrey”

  1. I pray for Brett a true gentleman with the utmost intelligence with an amazing heart of gold and incredible strength I ask god to commend my prayer ‘amen’ I pray for Debra Brett and family’ I ask you god please hear my prayer’
    He will rest in God’s care.
    You will never be forgotten.
    Rob lynch.

  2. We were honoured to be part of Brett’s funeral on line .What a blessing he had all those good years of life when he seemed to be certain to lose it more than 30 years ago. We well remember that time of terrible anxiety and of the fervent prayers made by all of us.—.answered by the grace of God and the God given gifts of his medical team in 1966.Debra, your fine and bravely given address painted such a vivid picture of his life and gifts. Wasn’t it lovely he was able to be present at your deaconing. In our conversation with him at the party afterwards he also echoed what so many of your friends were saying
    How well Joshua and Angas read with clarity meaning and dignity
    Love from Ken and Bev

  3. Dear Deb and Brett,,
    My thoughts and deepest sympathies in the passing of Brett.
    Love and blessings to you all,
    Jim. Lindsay

  4. Beautiful memories. Our thoughts are with you Deb, Brett, Josh and Angus. Rest In Peace Brett.
    With love from Lindsay and Heather xox

  5. Hi Debra, Brett, Joshua & Angus

    A beautiful service, thank you for enabling us to share the service with you.

    God bless and all our love.

    Auntie Peg, Kay, John xx

  6. A beautiful, thoughtful Service and celebration of a beautiful, thoughtful gentle man. Thank you for letting us share in this moment. Thoughts and prayers to you Debra, Brett, Joshua and Angus. xxxx

  7. A gentle man and a true gentleman ..
    Your work here is done .. time for your well-earned repose.
    Vale Brett
    Marilyn and Trev

  8. Saffman, we shared the same birthday and a friendship as well. You were always a kind and gentle soul, rest in peace my friend.
    James B

  9. A beautiful service filled with family love and devotion. May he rest in peace. Thoughts and prayers are with you all.

    Angie and Nigel Hamilton

  10. Dear Debra, Brett, Joshua and Angus,
    What a wonderful family you are and how fortunate was Brett Saffrey to have you by his side in his final days. We really appreciated the care and love with which you all shared in Brett S’s funeral today and our hearts were warmed by what we saw and heard in livestream. We didn’t realise that Brett S was such a great photographer! It was great to hear you Deb speak of your life together as a family in earlier days and how care and hospitality has always been part of your lives. We are about to have a cup of tea and ‘three deserts’ in loving memory of Brett S and we will send photographic evidence of the latter. Lots of love to you all in the coming days and keep each other safe and strong. Love Peter and Ian in Adelaide.

  11. Gone too soon
    Never forgotten
    Until we meet again
    Thank you for being my friend
    And Thank you for all the memories
    Your mate forever

  12. The “Saffman”
    You were a gentle soul with a big heart.
    An honor to have known and worked alongside you.
    you will be sadly missed.
    From all your friends and colleagues at Crown Melbourne, Rest in Peace mate.

  13. A beautiful service and a wonderful tribute to Brett. It was a privilege to be able to share in it through watching this lovely video. May God bless each of you very specially at this time that you may know His Peace and be comforted.

  14. Such a lovely service.

    Holding Debra, Brett, Joshua and Angus in our thoughts.

    Winifred, Andrew, Emma, James and Anne

  15. Dear Debra, Brett, Joshua and Angus, offering you and your extended family my sincere condolences.

    Thinking of you all,

  16. “It is not length of life, but depth of life.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
    It was a privilege to meet Brett and spend time with him. Condolences to you all. Mel

  17. Dear Debra
    What a life Brett had! Loved and cherished by his family and friends and a tender loving man himself. Thanks for the opportunity to share this time with you all. Wishing you all only love….

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