After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
Cameron you left this world too soon. You possessed a wonderful musical talent that is now going to missed by many. While growing up we remember your cheeky smile and kind nature.You will always remain in our hearts. Rest In Peace dear Cam. Love Aunty Dinah & Uncle Col
i don’t know what to say, but I feel I need to. Cameron touched many people, even me. Was truly a beautiful person who put everyone else first. Only met him a few times and knew this straight away. I’m sorry he had to leave so early, he definitely had a lot to do yet. Heartfelt love to you Nicole…and to his family and friends xx
Beautiful service for a beautiful man. The speeches were beautiful. Wish I could’ve been there. Thank you for the video. Wish I got to know Cameron better than I did. I met him at open mic and he was generous with helping me out.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all his family and friends.
Such a loving tribute to celebrate the life of Cam. Thank you Nicole for making it possible for those of us that couldn’t be there to join in.
Love to you always
Such a fitting and heartfelt tribute to Cam. I have so many fond memories of our time growing up together – birthday and Christmas celebrations, school holidays spent at each others houses and at Oma and Opa’s. Cam, you will always be in my heart. Lost way too soon, but never forgotten. Thinking of you Aunty Lyn, Uncle Ron, Andrew, Stuart & Nicole at this incredibly difficult time. All my love, Lissy xxx
Sorry I couldn’t make it today to farewell Cam. Thank you for providing the link. I worked with Cam at Lorenzo’s delivering pizzas I feel so sad for everyone’s loss. As you all know he is a great guy who made everyone smile and laugh. Cam loved the valiant he owned at the time we worked together. Now every time I see one I think of him and smile. My thoughts and prayers go out to all his loved family and friends
Such a beautiful and touching service For Cam. So many moving tributes and heartfelt words from family and friends and the chaplain. I am lost for words as so many wonderful words have been said, reminding us what a special human being Cam was and still is in our memories. I am very emotional and moved by this service. Thank you to all concerned for allowing me to be a part of this whilst overseas.
To Nic & family,
What a beautiful tribute to Cam; who’s in a better place not only watching over you but rocking it out on this sunny day. Sending love xx
Beautiful service for a talented innovative creative man. I laughed, I cried & then cried some more. I am so sorry Nicole. We were with you today François and I. I trust you receive some much needed solace & some healing for your breaking heart. Your words were really touching and I am so proud in the face of this tragedy you made a speech. Shows why Cameron picked the beautiful you. He will never be forgotten. Love to Camerons family, Nicoles family and Camerons dear friends. Love you sweetheart Pam & François, Paris France
Cameron you left this world too soon. You possessed a wonderful musical talent that is now going to missed by many. While growing up we remember your cheeky smile and kind nature.You will always remain in our hearts. Rest In Peace dear Cam. Love Aunty Dinah & Uncle Col
A beautiful service paying tribute to and celebrating the life of Cam. He touched many lives and my thoughts go to Nicole and family. Love from Glenys Withers.
Cameron you left this world too soon. You possessed a wonderful musical talent that is now going to missed by many. While growing up we remember your cheeky smile and kind nature.You will always remain in our hearts. Rest In Peace dear Cam. Love Aunty Dinah & Uncle Col
i don’t know what to say, but I feel I need to. Cameron touched many people, even me. Was truly a beautiful person who put everyone else first. Only met him a few times and knew this straight away. I’m sorry he had to leave so early, he definitely had a lot to do yet. Heartfelt love to you Nicole…and to his family and friends xx
Beautiful service for a beautiful man. The speeches were beautiful. Wish I could’ve been there. Thank you for the video. Wish I got to know Cameron better than I did. I met him at open mic and he was generous with helping me out.
My thoughts and prayers go out to all his family and friends.
Such a loving tribute to celebrate the life of Cam. Thank you Nicole for making it possible for those of us that couldn’t be there to join in.
Love to you always
Such a fitting and heartfelt tribute to Cam. I have so many fond memories of our time growing up together – birthday and Christmas celebrations, school holidays spent at each others houses and at Oma and Opa’s. Cam, you will always be in my heart. Lost way too soon, but never forgotten. Thinking of you Aunty Lyn, Uncle Ron, Andrew, Stuart & Nicole at this incredibly difficult time. All my love, Lissy xxx
Thank you Lissy. So hard to believe Cam has gone. When I feel sad Cam tells me “mum I am Ok”.
Beautiful service, and such wonderful memories shared. Xo
lovely service and a wonderful speech from you Nicole
Sorry I couldn’t make it today to farewell Cam. Thank you for providing the link. I worked with Cam at Lorenzo’s delivering pizzas I feel so sad for everyone’s loss. As you all know he is a great guy who made everyone smile and laugh. Cam loved the valiant he owned at the time we worked together. Now every time I see one I think of him and smile. My thoughts and prayers go out to all his loved family and friends
Such a beautiful and touching service For Cam. So many moving tributes and heartfelt words from family and friends and the chaplain. I am lost for words as so many wonderful words have been said, reminding us what a special human being Cam was and still is in our memories. I am very emotional and moved by this service. Thank you to all concerned for allowing me to be a part of this whilst overseas.
Tony Wharton
To Nic & family,
What a beautiful tribute to Cam; who’s in a better place not only watching over you but rocking it out on this sunny day. Sending love xx
Beautiful service for a talented innovative creative man. I laughed, I cried & then cried some more. I am so sorry Nicole. We were with you today François and I. I trust you receive some much needed solace & some healing for your breaking heart. Your words were really touching and I am so proud in the face of this tragedy you made a speech. Shows why Cameron picked the beautiful you. He will never be forgotten. Love to Camerons family, Nicoles family and Camerons dear friends. Love you sweetheart Pam & François, Paris France
Cameron you left this world too soon. You possessed a wonderful musical talent that is now going to missed by many. While growing up we remember your cheeky smile and kind nature.You will always remain in our hearts. Rest In Peace dear Cam. Love Aunty Dinah & Uncle Col
A beautiful service paying tribute to and celebrating the life of Cam. He touched many lives and my thoughts go to Nicole and family. Love from Glenys Withers.
Lovely service. My thoughts are with Nicole and all of Cam’s family.
much love at this sad time Stuart,Lyn,Andrew& Nicole