Streaming of Funeral Service

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8 comments on “Carol Brown”

  1. What a wonderful person. I remember aunty Carol taking me to watch Red Dog and also taking me to the tea house on the mountain. She’ll be truely missed by everyone who knew her. Rest in Peace Aunty Carol. Until we meet again.

  2. To dear Cheryl & family ,Many thanks for inviting us to share Carols funeral service , it was nice to hear my name mentioned , I shall miss Carol very much and will always treasure the happy times we spent togather ,
    Love from cousins Anne & Eddie in England

  3. Carol was a wonderful woman who was there throughout my life. A beacon of light, always with a smile and always a good listener, genuinely interested in what those people around her were doing with their lives. God’s gain seems our loss, though I know there is no pain now and that she will forever be there to listen to her family through good times and bad. Thank you Carol for the love you gave

  4. Lovely service with beautiful flowers that Carol will love xxx. Thank- you to everyone for me being able to watch the service today live. I will miss Carol very much love from Dianne Kurzbock

  5. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time. We feel blessed to have known Carol. She was such a kind, generous and beautiful lady. She made the world a better place. The service was a fitting tribute to a life well lived full of love and kindness. R.I.P. Carol.

  6. My sincere apologies for not being able to watch directly. I will be able to later in the morning. My prayers & love to all, xxx
    lots of love Annie Mitchell

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