The Funeral Service
After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
This service will have a password applied once edited (normally within 3 to 5 days following the service), you will then need to contact the family for the password to access.
Following the service, the footage will be posted and you can watch at a later time if you were unable to watch at the time of the service.
Thankyou for letting us watch Carols Memorial service ,Carol will be missed from our gatherings for Harold Bould Young. Awards . Our regards to her. family from Phyllis and Ted Bould
Lovely service for a beautiful Lady much missed by her local community
Well respected member of the Pakenham RSL sub branch and missed by all
Thank you for the opportunity to view Carol’s Memorial Service.
I met and shared activities with her as a member of West Gippsland Group of CWA.
Of all the people I know she is the last one I would have imagined roughing it in a bush camp in the high country! A beautiful, talented, elegant lady who so did not deserve to leave us all in such a tragic way.
My heart breaks for you all. Rest in Peace Carol.
Deepest sympathy to all the family. I knew Carol as she helped with serving refreshments at blood bank and she looked after my sons partner. God bless you Carol. Love from Lyn
We are very thankful to have been able to view Carol’s memorial service, a wonderful tribute to an amazing person. We have such happy memories of the 13 years we had as neighbours, all those fun crazy times and laughs, the cat shenanigans, taking little Emma horse riding, the impromptu get-togethers. My recipe book has many “Carol’s such and such” recipes and I make her Christmas cake every year, remembering with great sadness this year how she showed me how to pat the top of the cake with wet hands. We have thought of her a lot during the past two years and the family have also been in our thoughts and prayers. Having been unable to contact the family, we hope this message reaches you with our condolences and love. Nigel and Jenny
I loved Carol’s Ginger fluff Recipe
I feel privileged to have been able to view the very special transmission of Carol’s memorial service.
I spent many hours sharing fun and work with her during my membership in CWA. I remember especially the time we spent at my living room table while producing the Well Preserved cookbook.
My heartfelt and sincere thoughts go to Carol’s family at this time.