Streaming of Funeral Service
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This service will have a password applied once edited (normally within 3 to 5 days following the service), you will then need to contact the family for the password to access.
Following the service, the footage will be posted and you can watch at a later time if you were unable to watch at the time of the service.
Much love, thoughts and prayers for your amazing family. A beautiful service for a beautiful girl.
Jill, Peter and Mitch
Thank you for passing on the link to the inspiring memorial service for Chelsea. If it has been possible, we would have joined you, but we continue to hold you in our prayers.
Kevin and Ann
Dear Jill, Nathan & Mitch, all our love goes to you all. A beautiful celebration of your precious Chelsea’s life as our God walked with you all in your blessed time you had with her.
Cheryl & Jeff Hawkins (Andrew’s Mum) xxxxxxxxxx
Dear Peter, Jill and Mitch,
We have just watched the recording of the memorial service for Chelsea and were very moved as we heard of the loving Christ like care that you all gave her. It was a special and lovely service. Please give our love to Margaret.
Dear Peter, Jill and Mitch, what a beautiful memorial service. Sorry I couldn’t be there in person. Chelsea certainly touched so many over the years. She was so strong and brave to endure all that she did. I feel absolutely privileged to have met you’re beautiful daughter and won’t forget her big smile and take comfort that she is in the arms of Jesus. Much love to you all xx
Dear Jill, Peter and Mitchell,
Dear Peter, Jill & Mitch,
I’ll be praying for you and your family. God’s love and grace are always with you.
Dear Jill, Peter and Mitchell – such a beautiful and heartfelt tribute to your precious girl . What an incredible , strong and determined girl – her life was short but so full of love and impact . She will never be forgotten and her beautiful memories will forever be in your hearts ! May you all draw comfort in knowing she is now resting peacefully in His tender care and love ❤️
Dear Peter, Jill, Mitchell and the rest of the family. Thank you for enabling those of us who couldn’t physically be there to participate in these wonderful memories of our dear Miss Chelsea. Much love. I look forward to being with you in person soon. Naomi xxoo
Dear Jill, Peter and Mitch
A beautiful memorial to honour a beautiful and precious child. May all those who love Chelsea and each of you give you comfort until you meet her again.
Much love from us all.
Chelsea will always be remembered by all those who knew and loved her. I will certainly miss that bright spark in her eyes. She is in a place now where there is no pain and she can do all the beautiful things she wants to. God bless your family and deepest condolences to all of you.
Dear Peter and Jill
Thank you for a beautiful memorial service. It fills me in about the life of brave and beautiful Chelsea whom I only got to know for the first two years. Again our thoughts and prayers are with you and Mitch.
Dear Jill, Peter and Mitchell,
A beautiful tribute to Chelsea. So much love from all those that contributed to the celebration of her life.
She was a unique person who has touched the hearts of so many people. I loved the time she was a student in my class…her first year in the senior school. I learnt quickly enough what she liked and disliked. We started using Prologue to Go on her iPad that year and she used it to tell me about what she and Mitch did over the weekends, and the activities she wanted to do…..Wiggles, Swing, Bike-riding.
She was our star during our circus themed concert. She had great fun using the hula hoop. Her skills on the computer and whiteboard had me in awe, as I was learning a great deal from her !
Her smile lit up the room and her snuggles were warm and tender.
Apologies that we could only join online; a beautiful celebration of Chelsea’s life. God bless.
Condolences Peter and Jill ❤️
Dear peter Jill and Mitch
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all
Love the Swansson family xxx