Streaming of Funeral Service

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14 comments on “Christine Summers”

  1. Hi Chris,, what a wonderful celebration of your Mums life. l enjoyed your tribute to her, the love in your words were beautiful Pete

  2. Wonderful service, heartfelt words as the stories of Christine’s life was told. Beautiful send off for a beautiful Lady

  3. Thank you for the online viewing of the service. It will be remembered for many years in our hearts. The service was absolutely beautiful and Christine would be very proud of you for arranging such a beautiful service.

  4. A very beautiful service. We will fondly remember a lovely gentle lady who will be sadly missed.
    To Christine’s family:
    During this time of sorrow, know that we are thinking of you,
    and may you find peace in the memories you hold.

    RIP Christine.

  5. A beautiful service for Christine
    Wonderful eulogy, Chris- you really showed who your mum was – the journey of her life and the fun she had- the love she gave
    Maintain your courage, your strength, your love and your memories

  6. Chris it was a honour to watch this beautiful & moving service for your Mum – she is so proud of you & all her family & friends.
    May she fly with the angels.

    Much love
    Carmie & family

  7. As I sit in my study, watching this celebration of Christine, the sun has been shining in through my window and I feel her in that light and warmth.
    I am sorry I could not be there with you Krow. She is loved, always.

  8. Chris, i have cried a ruver of years woth you today. Im so so sprry for your loss.
    Blessings for your heart.
    Bless ur Mum for being the beautiful being she is.
    Huge hugs and so so so much love.

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