Streaming of Funeral Service

After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.

This service will have a password applied once edited (normally within 3 to 5 days following the service), you will then need to contact the family for the password to access.

Following the service, the footage will be posted and you can watch at a later time if you were unable to watch at the time of the service.

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18 comments on “Clifford Bills”

  1. Deepest Sympathy to Nat and the whole family. Was fantastic to be able to join the celebration of a great man online from WA. Lots of love, Tim, Gill, Angus and Henry Malseed.

  2. Dear Bills family – Natalie, Debbie Steven, Anna and all your extended family,

    Thank you for making it so we can share Cliff’s memorial service with you through this this video. Cheryl and I have special memories of Cliff that will always be with us.

    Dale and Cheryl

  3. Dear Natalie, Debbie, Steven and Anna and all the family,

    Thank you for letting me watch Cliff’s farewell. I have fond memories of visits to Merricks with Carey in my early years in Australia. Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the passing of your beloved Cliff. Astrid

  4. Thanks to our daughter-in-law Katrina supplying the link we were able to watch the funeral service here in the UK. It was very touching and he was obviously a great guy.
    Sending our love from England
    Tony & Val Brightwell

  5. Dear Natalie and all the family,
    What a lovely service today for your beloved Cliff.
    We will miss him, but he will always be remembered.
    With love … Carla and Ian Jeffrey

  6. A lovely service remembering happy times as a family and that of a remarkable man.

    Thank you for sharing with us the memories & enabling us to join from home.
    Thinking of all the family,
    with our love
    Katrina, Mark, Jack, Frankie & Mira

  7. So grateful we were able to attend via the live stream. Our thoughts are with Aunty Nat and all the family. I have such fond memories of my time with Uncle Cliff over the years, his quick wit and genuine interest in others will always be remembered. We look forward to our border restrictions easing and getting over to see you all soon. Take care.
    Ben, Amanda, Maisie and Alice

  8. A special celebration of an amazing man. Thank you for sharing Clifford’s memorial with us. His love for life, his family and friends was shown so beautifully with such a lovely service. Thinking of you all.

  9. Hello Natalie and family,

    We have watched the lovely service for Cliff – a great celebration of his life.
    So sorry we couldn’t be there with you.

    Lots of love
    Ted, Georgina and Luise

  10. Sorry I couldn’t be there in person. It was a beautiful service and really showed how loved he was by his family and friends.

  11. Dear family Bills

    What a wonderful Eulogy of your dad, grandpa was sad but joyful to be part of it

    I have known Cliff for many years: met him at Vickers Ruwolt many years ago, have done many projects together and alter had yearly get-together at Bentleigh Club….and I was a supplier and not someone that he used to work with.

    Rest in piece dear Cliff and if you would have been here you would have been proud of your family

    This is Cliff’s friend Milos

    Milos Grujic
    Heavy Industries – ASB Grinding Mills Competence Centre

    Schaeffler Australia Pty Ltd
    Suite 9 Level 1
    131 Bulleen Road
    Balwyn North VIC 3104

    Phone: +61 (3) 9859 8020
    Mobile: 0418 560 555 . .

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