After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
Watching the service today, I could take far more in, than actually on the day. Dad would have loved his own service, the suggestions he made gave it a personal touch, the readings and stories told gave a very clear picture of the gentleman that he was.
Liam, thank you for creating a lovely photo compilation that showed the story of 9 decades.
Heritage and Heritage along with Michelle Kiernan’s words made it happen, and all in wonderful timing, which really mattered to Dad. It all flowed, the music of his choosing and the colour of the flowers all worked. Belinda Jane Video, how grateful we were could livestream across the world, Beautifully filmed and captured the essence of Cliff. Loved by Family and Friends alike
I wrote to you after the service Russell but would like to add a comment here .
You did a wonderful job paying tribute to your Dad – such a humble, gentle man. My only regret is not learning more of him and his interesting life, while I was young! But that seems to be the way of life.
My advice to you all? Keep living each day as a tribute to your parents (as I know you are doing ).
First I would like to express my sincere gratitude for including me in the live steam video as I was not able to attend in person.
A wonderful service, showered with beautiful music, inspiring words and stories of a very special gentleman who was an amazing husband, father, and father to his children’s partners, along with special grandfather & great grandfather .
Listening to Cliff’s wonderful life story, sharing his loves and passion, one could only feel truly inspired.
His love, adventure for life and Spirit were expressed beautifully.
Peace, Love and Joy be with you all as you remember all the wonderful memories this beautiful soul left you.
What a wonderful ceremony full of style and bringing back lots of lovely memories – or should we say “heaps” of memories, and Cliff surely would be adding “you couldn’t jump over it”, like he did once when proofreading the “green book” THE SWISS IN AUSTRALIA (see on No doubts, Cliff is very pleased with this ceremony. Thank you very much, Russell, for having us participating in it.
A life well lived, a very lucky man, I only ever remember Cliff as being happy at the many years he played Wrag table tennis. The only ever times I remember when he expressed displeasure, was when he felt another had behaved dishonourably. He was always smiling, often had a chuckle, and truly was a gentleman, giving of his time and thought to others.
A wonderful service for a Wonderman. Well done Russell and Helen for the cordinaton , slide show and all the work and research you undertook for the service. Anne-Maree, Christine, and Olivia well done on your part.
Hans- the rock of Gibraltar but always there when needed. Adele fior your support and assistance over a difficult time
Thank you family
Colin… The missing link
A very moving tribute to Cliff who we will always remember as a wonderful man. Would have liked to be there but loved the service and especially Russell’s oration and the slideshow. The bible reading was one which Grandpop used to read to me when visiting and very apt. Thinking of everyone with very fond memories of Cliff and his legacy.
I only met Cliff briefly but he was, as you said, a gentleman. He was gracious, inviting, humorous and treated me as family from the instant we met. Much love and God’s peace to you as you mourn Imer family.
Watching the service today, I could take far more in, than actually on the day. Dad would have loved his own service, the suggestions he made gave it a personal touch, the readings and stories told gave a very clear picture of the gentleman that he was.
Liam, thank you for creating a lovely photo compilation that showed the story of 9 decades.
Heritage and Heritage along with Michelle Kiernan’s words made it happen, and all in wonderful timing, which really mattered to Dad. It all flowed, the music of his choosing and the colour of the flowers all worked. Belinda Jane Video, how grateful we were could livestream across the world, Beautifully filmed and captured the essence of Cliff. Loved by Family and Friends alike
I wrote to you after the service Russell but would like to add a comment here .
You did a wonderful job paying tribute to your Dad – such a humble, gentle man. My only regret is not learning more of him and his interesting life, while I was young! But that seems to be the way of life.
My advice to you all? Keep living each day as a tribute to your parents (as I know you are doing ).
A perfect and loving tribute to a perfect and lovely Uncle!
Very glad that I was able to see this, and sorry that I couldn’t be present in person – London is well locked-down.
Congratulations to all those who made this such a warm celebration of a very dear and exemplary life, with best love to Helen and Russell.
Fondest memories always,
First I would like to express my sincere gratitude for including me in the live steam video as I was not able to attend in person.
A wonderful service, showered with beautiful music, inspiring words and stories of a very special gentleman who was an amazing husband, father, and father to his children’s partners, along with special grandfather & great grandfather .
Listening to Cliff’s wonderful life story, sharing his loves and passion, one could only feel truly inspired.
His love, adventure for life and Spirit were expressed beautifully.
Peace, Love and Joy be with you all as you remember all the wonderful memories this beautiful soul left you.
What a wonderful ceremony full of style and bringing back lots of lovely memories – or should we say “heaps” of memories, and Cliff surely would be adding “you couldn’t jump over it”, like he did once when proofreading the “green book” THE SWISS IN AUSTRALIA (see on No doubts, Cliff is very pleased with this ceremony. Thank you very much, Russell, for having us participating in it.
All the very best,
Susanne & Urs
A life well lived, a very lucky man, I only ever remember Cliff as being happy at the many years he played Wrag table tennis. The only ever times I remember when he expressed displeasure, was when he felt another had behaved dishonourably. He was always smiling, often had a chuckle, and truly was a gentleman, giving of his time and thought to others.
A wonderful service for a Wonderman. Well done Russell and Helen for the cordinaton , slide show and all the work and research you undertook for the service. Anne-Maree, Christine, and Olivia well done on your part.
Hans- the rock of Gibraltar but always there when needed. Adele fior your support and assistance over a difficult time
Thank you family
Colin… The missing link
A lovely service, he was a beautiful man and I am sure you will all have many great memories to share. Love, Val
Such a lovely service and a wonderful farewell for Cliff. I will always remember Cliff as a gentleman and my friend.
Condolenses and warmest regards to Helen, Russell and the Imer family.
Much Love,
Megan Charlett
A very moving tribute to Cliff who we will always remember as a wonderful man. Would have liked to be there but loved the service and especially Russell’s oration and the slideshow. The bible reading was one which Grandpop used to read to me when visiting and very apt. Thinking of everyone with very fond memories of Cliff and his legacy.
I only met Cliff briefly but he was, as you said, a gentleman. He was gracious, inviting, humorous and treated me as family from the instant we met. Much love and God’s peace to you as you mourn Imer family.
Russell & Adele and family. It’s lovely ceremony – well done. Thinking of you.
Ken & Barb