The Funeral Service

The Burial Service

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5 comments on “Cornelis ‘Keith’ Van Doorn”

  1. My condolences to the van Doorn family. Thank you for the video streaming. It is a good way to share the memories of (uncle) Cees for those who are unable to attend.

  2. My condoleances to the van Doorn family, my thoughts are with you. Thank you for the video streaming. Loved the photo’s although they were very confronting sometimes. The few times I’ve seen ome Cees, he was always in good spirit. That is the way I’ll remember him.

  3. Thank you so much for video streaming. Much love to Aunty Bona and all the Van Doorn’s. Uncle Cees was always a very much loved personality, we will very much miss his cheeky smiles and all the times Bona and Cees smuggled lollies to us as kids 🙂 We were very, very lucky to have Cees as an uncle and we will always have such strong happy memories of him.

  4. My condolences to the van Doorn family. Best wishes to all. Thank you so much for letting those of us unable to attend in person share in the memories and the service.

  5. We were very sorry to hear about Cees’s passing and wish the family our deepest sympathy. Cees was very much part of our growing up years and always stayed in touch. Our best wishes to Bona who did such a great job looking after him as his health failed. To the boys your dad was so proud of you all and always spoke highly of you when ever we meet. Our love to you all. Sorry we were not to attend at this time. Alice and Geoff Long.

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