The Funeral Service
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Thank you everyone for your prayers and kind words of support. Last Friday was a beautiful service and a celebration of Daniel’s life. Thanks to Fr Martin, family and friends who took part in making this a memorable occasion.
Love always Julie
Such a beautiful service.
Daniel you welcomed us into your family with open arms. The girls will miss your silliness and sense of humour. The only regret is we didn’t get to know you for longer.
~Rest In Peace and love ~
Kiet, Josh, Giorgia & Charlotte xo
Thank you to everyone who attended the service. It was a wonderful commemoration with many shared stories. The concluding song at the burial revealed a funny story from the past. ‘The Laughing Gnome’ by David Bowie seemed a bit strange though in keeping with Daniel’s sense of humour. Turns out he bought the album and played it endlessly to Andrew and Michael’s irritation; to the extent they snatched the tape while he was distracted and hid it. Michael was locked out of the house. I don’t know how the matter was resolved, but obviously Daniel had not forgotten.
Such a beautiful service for a man so deserving of this. You truly were a gentleman, Daniel, R.I.P
A beautiful service for a beautiful, kind and caring man. My thoughts are with you, Julie, and the family. Rest in peace Daniel x With deepest sympathy, Tach
Rest in peace kind and loving Daniel. You are now with Tom. Thank you for everything you did for Jaris. Jaris and l will always miss you. Gone but never forgotten xoxoxox
A lovely and moving service, much love to everyone, Rest In Peace Daniel xx
May your soul Rest In Peace Daniel. Tom has his loving Dad.
Rest In Peace my beloved Uncle Daniel.
You will be sorely missed.
Love your niece Robyn xxx
Condolences to all. I know he will be missed.
Rest in peace Daniel.
All my love
In loving memory of dear uncle “Big” Daniel,
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
“Little” Daniel, Marja, Samuel, Oliver, Sofia and Emilia