Streaming of Funeral Service
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This service will have a password applied once edited (normally within 3 to 5 days following the service), you will then need to contact the family for the password to access.
What a beautiful service for daniel, A lovely man who’s gone too soon. thinking of you all today julie, amelia, brandon and alex.May he rest in paradise..
What a beautiful service. It really captured the spirit of Danny. We had so many laughs together in the early days and he was just a great guy to be around. A generous funny man who will be missed but never forgotten. I have been looking at old photos lately and will send them on to you soon.
Love to all the family,
Sally Quinn.
Myself and Nuan were with you in spirit today at the service for Danny, a sorry day for all of us. Love from us to you Julie and your beautiful family.
Sending love and condolences to Julie, Amelia, Alex and all of Danny’s family and friends.