The Funeral Service
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Thank you for allowing me to share in your celebration of Dave’s life. It brought back so many memories of our times together in Norfolk when we were young.
Thinking of you all.
Lucy xxx
A lovely tribute to Dave and a great way to allow people far away to have an insight into his very full life. Thank you for sharing this. So much love and strength to all of you.
Thank you so so much for sharing this with us. It has given me laughs, tears, memories and above all a chance to grieve for such a wonderful man, who I am so glad I was apart of his gang. Thank you. X
So many wonderful memories, of times spent together, of Dave’s wonderfully rich and varied life. Too many happy days, laughing, dancing, playing rugby and the resounding clapping and singing to ever forget.
We’ve loved being a part of his life for 50 years.
With love to you all.
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful service. Dave was a friend, and the best captain I ever played for – some of the rugby might have been questionable, but after you’ve screamed into the club car park in his Audi with Barry Manilow on full volume, it really didn’t matter. Whichever Heaven you believe in, they’d better be ready, shenanigans are afoot…
Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful tribute to your dear brother and our dear friend. Sam and Pete, you captured Dave to the ‘T’ and were both so brave and composed in doing so.
Dave was an usher at my wedding and was playing the fool at every juncture but of course, being the total gentleman that he was when he needed to!. He was a complete “ledge” and shall always be remembered with greatest of affection.
Rest in Peace dear Dave. Memories of you will never fade. Sending you all much love and best wishes.
Ollie and Sophie xxx
Thank you for sharing Dave’s farewell with us,much love to you all Ruth and Mike xxx
So many lovely memories of Dave.
Thinking of you all.
What a wonderful insight into Daves life. I thoroughly enjoyed my time spent with Dave (and Pete) shooting clays. I commend you all for an excellent send off. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this final chapter. RIP Dave