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40 comments on “Dylan Langford-Povey”

  1. A beautiful celebration of Dylan’s life, taken too soon. Lovely tributes from family and friends. Thank you Megan and James for sharing. An angel shining down on you. Manuia lau malaga Dylan. Alofa atu, xx

  2. Thanks for sharing link to watch and say our good byes. My thoughts are with you daily.
    So sorry for your loss you adored your little dil you would light up talking about him.
    My thoughts are with you Meags and James

  3. Beautiful beautiful boy gone too soon.
    We will miss you forever Dilly, you will never be forgotten.
    What a beautiful send off, our thoughts are with you all.
    We love you Meggie and James, Ali, Mike, Nick ❤️
    To Dilly’s Lauren and his friends our hearts break for all of you

    Sannie Russ Jackson and Evie

  4. Remembering Dylan going out for the day during school holidays with his skateboard and coming home to spag bol lovingly prepared by Megan.
    Honoured to have been able to join such a moving and beautiful service from across the miles.
    Sending love and hugs.
    L and A xx

  5. Dear Megan and James – what a beautiful, extremely moving service – a testament to everything wonderful that Dylan was and will always be – funny, quirky, amazing, beautiful and absolutely precious. I’m so pleased I was able to come and pay my respects to you this afternoon. You are both in my thoughts and Dylan will always be in my heart. So much love to you x

  6. A beautiful and touching service for a beautiful young man. Sending you much love Megan and James and all Dylan’s family and friends ❤️

  7. Sending all our love to you and your family.
    Also to all of Dylan’s mates and girlfriend.
    Love Simone, Chelsea and James xx

  8. Hi heart bleeds for you. Been thinking about you continuously. Even though I didn’t know Dylan, I knew so much about him from you singing his praises. So sad and well before his time. Love, Kath

  9. Megan, James and Whanau

    Thank you for letting us be a part in celebrating Dylan’s life. Our love and prayers go out to you this sad sad day. We will continue to stop in and visit Dylan with fb posts and stories as we remember them and feel the need to share with him.
    He is a remarkable young man, he will be with us always. We love you Megan please remember we are here whenever you need us.

  10. Lovely service. It was really nice to be able to share in some beautiful memories of Dylan. Love to Megan, James, Nick, Ali, Mike, and all Dylan’s family and friends.

  11. Beautiful Meg, such a beautiful service for Dylan. Would of love to have been there by you, but how wonderful to have your sister, brother in-law, brothers and James with you
    Take care my friend, Arohanui xx

  12. My heart goes out to you, james & the whanau myfriend❤️❤️❤️You raised such a beautiful boy, who was definitely taken way too soonWill talk soonR.I.L Dylan

  13. Sending all my love to you all today, all friends and family of our Dylan. Especially you James & Megan. Beautiful service for a beautiful young man. Rest In Peace brother, always in my heart, love you x

  14. A beautiful service for a much loved young man. Love to you Megsy and James and all his family and friends. Much love and condolences. Robyn and Greg. Xxxx

  15. Beautiful Dylan
    Loads of memories of an amazing pure ❣️ handsome young man.
    Meg’s huge hugs for you and the whanau xoxox Aunty and Zivaan xoxoox

  16. Dear Megs, James, Family and Friends,
    Sending you all love, good vibes and support in this very sad times. My thoughts are with
    You all. Rest In Peace Dylan xoxo

  17. Sending my deepest condolences to everyone close to Dyl. One of the most genuine people I ever had the pleasure of meeting! Rest in paradise Dyl. Xx

  18. Dear Megan & James,

    Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to watch the beautiful service for Dylan.

    We cried and we smiled as Dylan’s life story was shared – a beautiful reflection of a young man who was loved by so many, known for his passion of life and the happiness he bought with him. Quite simply, the love for your cherished son shone through in the most beautiful way.

    We are so very sorry we could not be there to support you in person today, but know that we are sending you much love and strength on this day of final farewells. Your Family & Friends share this loss with you greatly and will be there to help you remember the good times always.

    A beautiful smile just like his gorgeous Mum, Megan.

    Sincere condolences

    Jo & Ken Toombs

  19. Megs…I’m so so so sorry. I love you so much. A beautiful service that will be cherished forever. Lot of Love Alana, Mikey, Rocco, Jude, Lou, Matt and Jess. xxx

  20. Arohanui Megan, Eugene and James, whanaunga of Dylan from Terence Hibbert and all of his family …we’re all thinking of you today and are sorry we can’t be standing next to you Moe mai e Tama, moe mai xxx

  21. Our deepest condolences to both of you Megan and James. Our thoughts are with you. Love Jennien and Graeme Rimmer xx

  22. Dyl,
    Life has shown us it’s hurtful side by taking you away too soon from your family, friends, and your future you deserved to live.
    I will always remember you as that gorgeous little boy growing up with the cheekiest smile.
    Rest in love. ❤️

    Megs, there really are no words of comfort to offer that could ease the grief & emptiness.
    All my thoughts, love & hugs are with you xxx

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