The Funeral Service

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20 comments on “Elizabeth Down”

  1. A beautiful, warm and personal celebration of Liz’s life, that would make her proud.
    Ross, Jen, Sophie and Lil, you so eloquently captured the meaning, value and depth of her love for you all.
    May you hold on tight to this and cherish all the memories touched on today to ‘hug’ you in the time ahead and to keep her spirit for life with you.

  2. What an incredible woman she was and what a beautiful legacy she left behind in her 3 amazing daughters and of course my long time friend Ross. Very moving and utterly appropriate.

  3. This was such a lovely service. It showed so many wonderful qualities Liz possessed. We send all our love to you Rosco, Jenn, Sophie and Lilly. She will be forever in the hearts of so many friends and family. Lots of Love, Annie and Adrian.

  4. A wonderful ceremony and fitting tribute to your wife, mother, daughter, friend. I didn’t know Liz so very well only seeing glimpses of her through Ross’s stories, but now, through this loving celebration of Liz’s life, I feel I know her a little better and understand that I’ve missed knowing even better, a wonderful soul. Love to you all. Peter.

  5. A beautiful celebration of Liz’s life Ross and the tributes summed up the amazing woman Liz was and the legacy she has left behind in your daughters.
    My deepest condolences to you all.

  6. What a wonderful tribute to Booful Liz! It made me laugh and cry! Big big hugs to all of you! I raise a glass in honor of a beautiful soul!

    Lots of Love,


  7. What a beautiful memorial to a beautiful woman. We feel so privileged to have known Liz and to have been a small part of a large life. Our arms and door are always open. Love, Jerry and Terryl Pietz

  8. Thank you for sharing your family so generously yet again.
    Liz had an amazing ability to make you feel that you were someone particularly special in her life . I deeply feel that she literally gave everything she had of herself until there was nothing left to give.
    There will always be a deep hole, but it is one that is overflowing with love and treasured memories.
    The sweet memories are the ones that remain.
    Take great care of each other .
    Love you all.

  9. I’m not sure how the universe decided I was worthy of the honour having my life cross paths with Liz, but I’ll forever be thankful for the huge impact she’s had on my life.

    Thank you for allowing me to share in this beautiful service.

    My deepest condolences.

  10. this was such a beautiful service, i’m so sorry for all of your loss and I’m sending my love to you all. i only got to meet Liz maybe once or twice, but i know how special and amazing she was. so proud of all of you, you’re all so strong and incredible and i can tell that you learned it from her

  11. A beautiful tribute to Liz. Condolences to Liz’s family and friends and thank you for sharing the celebration of Liz’s life with us all.

  12. Dearest Ross and family
    Bec, Gordon and I have just watched Liz’s memorial service this afternoon and all three of us feel utterly filled up, a large box of tissues almost gone.
    But it was a wonderful, moving and well-deserved farewell to a woman who has been a perfect daughter, wife, mother, colleague and friend all these years and loved dearly for it.
    Ross, your tribute was from one who has known Liz all her life and loved her tenderly and very dearly, been a supportive husband to her through sickness and health and caredfor her till her very last breath. Bless you.
    Girls, you were all three so very brave, devoted and honest, each of you made to feel special in your own right by your dedicated, loving mum. We loved that you all had the opportunity to pay your tributes. I’m sure she was listening.
    Kathy and Fiona were also very special for us to listen to, not having known either, but understanding how cherished Liz was by each, as friends and colleagues.
    What an exceptional and empathic woman your celebrant(?) was. She spoke with real affection and heartfelt care of Liz, whom she had never met.
    We were so privileged to have felt part of this ceremony, this tribute. We saw our dear mum/ grandmum in the photos and recalled how intertwined our lives have been these 60 odd years.
    It was moving for me to see dear Lorna sitting in the front row; this farewell will have been a bitter/ sweet moment for her, an agony to relinquish her daughter, as it has been for Liz to relinquish hers.
    You have all been a credit to Liz today as you all have been all of your lives.
    Rest in peace, Liz,
    Libby, Gordon and Bec.❤️❤️❤️

  13. What a beautiful service for such a beautiful woman. Liz was a bright spot on this planet, and this light burns in every person who knew her. She will never be forgotten and we were privileged to know her. Peace and condolences to you Ross and to Jen, Sophie. and Lily. We watched the service and raised our glasses with you Love to you all. Don and Sandy in snowy Minnesota

  14. What a beautiful memorial service and celebration of life to such an amazing and wonderful woman. We will miss Liz so much. Sending hugs and love from the Kerkhoffs here in Minnesota. ❤️

  15. We are so blessed to have fond memories of Liz and the Down family. Your visit to Chicago and Naperville was memorable for us as every site that Lizzie saw made her happy. And hey, we sure enjoyed the Australian wine you brought for us.

  16. Thank you so much for inviting me to share in this service. It was absolutely beautiful. I felt like I was there with you and so wished I could have wrapped my arms around all of you. Lizzie was a remarkable human being; wife mother, daughter, sister, friend and social worker extrordinaire. I regret that our lives did not come together more than it did. I will always remember my times with her. Love to all of you. If there is ever anything I can do for you please know you can ask. I love you.

  17. Such a lovely celebration of your beloved Liz. I’m so moved Ross and so very sad for your loss.
    Lots of love to you, Jen, Sophie and Lily.
    Denise Cornish

  18. P.S. what amazingly beautiful tributes to a wonderful woman. I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet your mum Sophie – thanks to all the tributes made in this moving service, I feel that I got a glimpse into the very special soul of Liz – the world was lucky to have been graced by her too short life. What she has left behind in all who knew and loved her is something to treasure and remember all the days of your lives.

  19. Our most sincere condolences on the loss of Elizabeth to this insidious cancer. You have been in our thoughts and we hope the valuable time you spent together in recent months is of some comfort to you,
    Rhonda & Bryan (Christina’s Aunt & Uncle in Heathcote)

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