After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
A beautiful service for a beautiful lady. Emma, you will be greatly missed by all who knew you. Thank you for the honour of caring for you over the past 6 years. It’s been a blessing to know you.
Love to all your family
Hi Julie –
I will be forever grateful of the gentle and caring way you looked after our mum. I was always so happy to see you on shift, I knew that mum would be in really good hands. It has been really difficult for me to not have mum at home with me, but I know that mum got special care from a lot of the staff and that you were one of them.
Thank you also for your kind words, hope to see you when I call in.
Love Heaps
Denise xxx
Beautiful service surrounded by the lovely Australian outdoors that Emma loved.
Thank you Denise, Larraine, Jill, Gail, and the Chenoweth Family for making it possible for all of us to watch the service of your wonderful Emma, she will be missed.
Our love for Emma and all our fun memories of her will stay with us always. Emma we love you.
A lovely service for beautiful Emma. Thank you Larraine and Denise and your families for the wonderful memories you shared today. I’m praying that your memories will sustain you at this most difficult time.
Sending much love
Elaine xx
Our memories of Emma are of a much-respected lady who we dearly loved and will forever be in our hearts and thoughts. We lost touch with Emma when she moved from Eaglemont and sold her beautiful home and she asked us to look out for it and let her know if the new residents did not care for it. It may be not quite up to Emma’s standard but is still looking good even after all these years. Thank you for organising to be able to view the service and to hear the messages read out from Lorraine and Denise, cousins, and grandchildren. What an amazing life, 100 years well lived.
Max and I will forever be grateful that Wendy called us about Em’s passing and to be included in this
viewing of the graveside service for her. As soon as we saw who was calling we knew it was about Emma. We had the chance to see her when she came to Salt Lake. I wish I could have been in Australia when Max was there on his mission many years ago and Emma became a second mother to him. He spoke so tenderly of her. She even knitted a sweater for him that he will keep always and even found time to knit a sweet outfit for our first son, Ryan who is now a grandpa. She touched my heart in so many ways and I will never forget her, not ever. I loved being able to view this service. It was beautiful just as she was. I will hope to be worthy to see her again someday. Prayers for your hearts, Loraine, Denise, Wendy and Jill and your precious families. My father passed away in July so I know how your hearts are hurting. So grateful we have the gospel she loved so much and know we will be together again. All our love and prayers, Cathy and Max Steele.
Hi Max and Cathy,
So lovely to hear from you, it’s been so long and it’s my fault – I’m not very good at keeping in touch. Life just always gives you too much to do and time goes so quickly. Seems like so long ago that “Elder Steele” was in Melbourne and Im sorry, I know I used to tease and annoy, guess I saw you as a big brother. Lots of fond memories of those times though.
We were so blessed to have mum, she continually amazed me, I’m sure she didn’t waste one minute of her life. It will be hard to get used to not having her near me.
Sorry to hear about your loss to Cathy – so grateful to have the knowledge the gospel gives, it would be way too hard without it.
Love to you all
Denise. xxxxxx – if ever you want to contact me
To our Dearest Denise…what a wonderful touching service to you and your dear mum…my eyes were teared up from begining to end.
I did not get to know her till we arrived in Tassy in 82…she would have been 62…full of life and so busy and such a joy to be in her company like you.
What you have told us about your early life and growing up with mum and your sister and the comments today all cement together why the Chenoweth clan are so strong and industrious and touch so many people who you come in contact with.
Its been a honour to mix with and see how her children and grandchildren and now her great grandchildren continue to tread along the such honourable pathways of life.
We honour revere and love who she was and is still to all today…its a great legacy and example to us all.
Bless you all and we know the Heavens are celebrating her arrival. They will care for her just like you have for your entire life.
Lots of prayers and love to you and the family from Uncle Belly
Beautiful tributes to a most loved and special woman. Special setting among the gum trees, with a magpie chorus, lovely music, and superb flowers. Lovely memories of Emma and her visits with Denise so long ago. Thanks for sharing. I have much love in my heart for her and all the family. xx
Hi Bev,
Denise here. Thanks so much for your kind words and glad you liked the service. It was sad and so hard to not be there. We did feel like we were right there, sound was great and yes, the setting is beautiful – and the birds. One thing is, I wanted to jump right in and hug everyone, frustrating -they seemed so close but were so far away.
Yes, I remember visiting you in Tasmania, wish we had seen more of you. I have been reminiscing about the old Fairfield Ward days. We used to know everyone in the ward then, seems like people move so often now and wards are constantly changing. Loved our grounding in the gospel, the people were wonderful and felt like family.
It’s going to take a lot to get used to not having mum around – seems like it was just the two of us for the longest time. But, I keep trying to picture her surrounded by all of her family and I know she is happy- and probably doing the splits again.
So nice to hear from you – sending lots of love,
Denise – if you ever need to contact me xxx
A beautiful service for a very “Elect” lady. It was great to hear all the wonderful tributes from “favorite grandchildren”. So, from one of several “favorite missionaries” … we love you Emma … and we find peace and comfort in knowing we will all meet you again.
Thank you for your lovely comments, put a smile on my face when I saw your name, it brought back wonderful memories. I found a picture just a little while ago of you and Elder Tucker with mum, Larraine and me in our dining room, was so long ago. I guess I don’t remember very well – mum always told the story about how she was rushing to go out one day when there was a knock on the front door and these two missionaries were standing there. They said they would like to talk to her and she apologised because she had to leave. She said she noticed the disappointed look on their faces as they headed down the stairs and said ‘ but you can come back another day’. How grateful I am for that day so long ago. I can’t remember who she said those two missionaries were – were you one of them?
It’s going to take a lot for me to get used to not having her here, I’m feeling very lost and teary but I try to focus on where she is now and how happy she is. I was so blessed to have her as my mother and for as long as I did. Can’t thank you enough for teaching us the gospel, we have been so blessed because of what you did for us.
Love heaps
Denise xxx – if you need to contact me – I’d love to hear who those first missionaries were if you know. xxx
Quick comment, just on here for the first time to read these beautiful comments on mum!
Nesi, the first missionaries were Elder Dent & Elder Attwood.
I will come back to read again and comment. It is late here in Houston, Texas
Love you Sister!!
A lovely service for a great lady. Sometimes in life we are touched by someone who leaves an everlasting mark on our lives. For me, as a 17 year old, I was taught by Emma in a Sunday School class, a special class on genealogy. Emma didn’t just motivate me but managed to instil a love for this work. I, and my ancestors are eternally grateful and I look forward to meeting again and thanking her again. She was an example in so many ways and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to associate with her in this life.
Dearly missed beautiful blue eyes, thank you for allowing me to know and care for you. I’ll remember you always. Sending love to all of your family xx
Rest is paradise dear Emma xx
Hi Renee,
Denise here. Can’t thank you enough for your wonderful care of our much loved mother. It was especially lovely to have you around on those last few days. It feels very empty right now, I was so blessed to have mum in my life, she was such an amazing woman, I miss her so much. I haven’t been able to communicate verbally with her for so long, but at least I could see her, touch her and interact on some level.
Thanks again for all that you did for her – ill be forever grateful,
Much love
To the family and friends of Emma Chenoweth.
My deepest thoughts and fond well wishes.
Gil, the very distant Oz Cuz, none of you have met.
I have very fond memories of Emma from my younger years in the Church of Jesus Christ. She was a dedicated visiting teacher to me and a great role model of compassion, quiet dignity and faith. I haven’t seen her for many years but hope her long life was filled with happiness and loving friends and family.
A beautiful service for a beautiful lady. Emma, you will be greatly missed by all who knew you. Thank you for the honour of caring for you over the past 6 years. It’s been a blessing to know you.
Love to all your family
Hi Julie –
I will be forever grateful of the gentle and caring way you looked after our mum. I was always so happy to see you on shift, I knew that mum would be in really good hands. It has been really difficult for me to not have mum at home with me, but I know that mum got special care from a lot of the staff and that you were one of them.
Thank you also for your kind words, hope to see you when I call in.
Love Heaps
Denise xxx
Beautiful service surrounded by the lovely Australian outdoors that Emma loved.
Thank you Denise, Larraine, Jill, Gail, and the Chenoweth Family for making it possible for all of us to watch the service of your wonderful Emma, she will be missed.
Our love for Emma and all our fun memories of her will stay with us always. Emma we love you.
Michael and Patricia Brown
What a lovely service. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time
Wonderful service for a wonderful lady. I am grateful for her example to me of being steadfast in the Gospel. My heart is full.
A lovely service for beautiful Emma. Thank you Larraine and Denise and your families for the wonderful memories you shared today. I’m praying that your memories will sustain you at this most difficult time.
Sending much love
Elaine xx
Our memories of Emma are of a much-respected lady who we dearly loved and will forever be in our hearts and thoughts. We lost touch with Emma when she moved from Eaglemont and sold her beautiful home and she asked us to look out for it and let her know if the new residents did not care for it. It may be not quite up to Emma’s standard but is still looking good even after all these years. Thank you for organising to be able to view the service and to hear the messages read out from Lorraine and Denise, cousins, and grandchildren. What an amazing life, 100 years well lived.
Max and I will forever be grateful that Wendy called us about Em’s passing and to be included in this
viewing of the graveside service for her. As soon as we saw who was calling we knew it was about Emma. We had the chance to see her when she came to Salt Lake. I wish I could have been in Australia when Max was there on his mission many years ago and Emma became a second mother to him. He spoke so tenderly of her. She even knitted a sweater for him that he will keep always and even found time to knit a sweet outfit for our first son, Ryan who is now a grandpa. She touched my heart in so many ways and I will never forget her, not ever. I loved being able to view this service. It was beautiful just as she was. I will hope to be worthy to see her again someday. Prayers for your hearts, Loraine, Denise, Wendy and Jill and your precious families. My father passed away in July so I know how your hearts are hurting. So grateful we have the gospel she loved so much and know we will be together again. All our love and prayers, Cathy and Max Steele.
Hi Max and Cathy,
So lovely to hear from you, it’s been so long and it’s my fault – I’m not very good at keeping in touch. Life just always gives you too much to do and time goes so quickly. Seems like so long ago that “Elder Steele” was in Melbourne and Im sorry, I know I used to tease and annoy, guess I saw you as a big brother. Lots of fond memories of those times though.
We were so blessed to have mum, she continually amazed me, I’m sure she didn’t waste one minute of her life. It will be hard to get used to not having her near me.
Sorry to hear about your loss to Cathy – so grateful to have the knowledge the gospel gives, it would be way too hard without it.
Love to you all
Denise. xxxxxx – if ever you want to contact me
To our Dearest Denise…what a wonderful touching service to you and your dear mum…my eyes were teared up from begining to end.
I did not get to know her till we arrived in Tassy in 82…she would have been 62…full of life and so busy and such a joy to be in her company like you.
What you have told us about your early life and growing up with mum and your sister and the comments today all cement together why the Chenoweth clan are so strong and industrious and touch so many people who you come in contact with.
Its been a honour to mix with and see how her children and grandchildren and now her great grandchildren continue to tread along the such honourable pathways of life.
We honour revere and love who she was and is still to all today…its a great legacy and example to us all.
Bless you all and we know the Heavens are celebrating her arrival. They will care for her just like you have for your entire life.
Lots of prayers and love to you and the family from Uncle Belly
Beautiful tributes to a most loved and special woman. Special setting among the gum trees, with a magpie chorus, lovely music, and superb flowers. Lovely memories of Emma and her visits with Denise so long ago. Thanks for sharing. I have much love in my heart for her and all the family. xx
Hi Bev,
Denise here. Thanks so much for your kind words and glad you liked the service. It was sad and so hard to not be there. We did feel like we were right there, sound was great and yes, the setting is beautiful – and the birds. One thing is, I wanted to jump right in and hug everyone, frustrating -they seemed so close but were so far away.
Yes, I remember visiting you in Tasmania, wish we had seen more of you. I have been reminiscing about the old Fairfield Ward days. We used to know everyone in the ward then, seems like people move so often now and wards are constantly changing. Loved our grounding in the gospel, the people were wonderful and felt like family.
It’s going to take a lot to get used to not having mum around – seems like it was just the two of us for the longest time. But, I keep trying to picture her surrounded by all of her family and I know she is happy- and probably doing the splits again.
So nice to hear from you – sending lots of love,
Denise – if you ever need to contact me xxx
A beautiful service for a very “Elect” lady. It was great to hear all the wonderful tributes from “favorite grandchildren”. So, from one of several “favorite missionaries” … we love you Emma … and we find peace and comfort in knowing we will all meet you again.
Thank you for your lovely comments, put a smile on my face when I saw your name, it brought back wonderful memories. I found a picture just a little while ago of you and Elder Tucker with mum, Larraine and me in our dining room, was so long ago. I guess I don’t remember very well – mum always told the story about how she was rushing to go out one day when there was a knock on the front door and these two missionaries were standing there. They said they would like to talk to her and she apologised because she had to leave. She said she noticed the disappointed look on their faces as they headed down the stairs and said ‘ but you can come back another day’. How grateful I am for that day so long ago. I can’t remember who she said those two missionaries were – were you one of them?
It’s going to take a lot for me to get used to not having her here, I’m feeling very lost and teary but I try to focus on where she is now and how happy she is. I was so blessed to have her as my mother and for as long as I did. Can’t thank you enough for teaching us the gospel, we have been so blessed because of what you did for us.
Love heaps
Denise xxx – if you need to contact me – I’d love to hear who those first missionaries were if you know. xxx
Quick comment, just on here for the first time to read these beautiful comments on mum!
Nesi, the first missionaries were Elder Dent & Elder Attwood.
I will come back to read again and comment. It is late here in Houston, Texas
Love you Sister!!
A lovely service for a great lady. Sometimes in life we are touched by someone who leaves an everlasting mark on our lives. For me, as a 17 year old, I was taught by Emma in a Sunday School class, a special class on genealogy. Emma didn’t just motivate me but managed to instil a love for this work. I, and my ancestors are eternally grateful and I look forward to meeting again and thanking her again. She was an example in so many ways and I’m grateful to have had the opportunity to associate with her in this life.
Larine and Denise
Blessed to be apart of Emma’s Journey for 55 years
Elva and Steve
Lots of memories of a lovely lady and friend. Deepest sympathy to all the family.
Karen Kwong
Dearly missed beautiful blue eyes, thank you for allowing me to know and care for you. I’ll remember you always. Sending love to all of your family xx
Rest is paradise dear Emma xx
Hi Renee,
Denise here. Can’t thank you enough for your wonderful care of our much loved mother. It was especially lovely to have you around on those last few days. It feels very empty right now, I was so blessed to have mum in my life, she was such an amazing woman, I miss her so much. I haven’t been able to communicate verbally with her for so long, but at least I could see her, touch her and interact on some level.
Thanks again for all that you did for her – ill be forever grateful,
Much love
To the family and friends of Emma Chenoweth.
My deepest thoughts and fond well wishes.
Gil, the very distant Oz Cuz, none of you have met.
I have very fond memories of Emma from my younger years in the Church of Jesus Christ. She was a dedicated visiting teacher to me and a great role model of compassion, quiet dignity and faith. I haven’t seen her for many years but hope her long life was filled with happiness and loving friends and family.
tuning in all the way from Nashville, TN. miss you guys and sad to not be there in person!