The Funeral Service

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8 comments on “Eric Ronald Grenfell”

  1. Heather,, that was a lovely, fitting service for a much loved Dad and Pa. The old photos depicting your Dad’s life were amazing, well done to you and your brothers and sisters for finding them and showing everyone some of his past life. Brian spoke beautifully as MC and I commend everyone else for getting up, talking about him and what he meant to them. He was a very devoted husband, father and grandfather and I’m sure he’ll be missed dearly. (Still) thinking of you at this sad time and remember I’m here for you if you need to chat or need a hug. Love Vic

  2. Sorry we couldn’t attend today, but thinking about all the family today.
    I remember holidays in Vic and family outings to Nagambie with the boat. special memories . Love Carol and Denis Heriot

  3. Sending my heartfelt sympathy to the family
    So lovely to have shared in this special remembrance time for Eric .
    We only knew him and appreciated his and Dot’s company at our Alzheimer’s group and lunches They are both fondly remembered

  4. Uncle Eric, I have a lot of memories that were bought back during the service. You will be greatly missed by all. RIP Trevor

  5. We have fond memories of Eric from our teenage years. Horse riding and beach-buggy driving were always fun at the Grenfell farm. Many years later we enjoyed seeing Eric and Dot in Cairns on their road trips north. As Eric’s life is celebrated, our thoughts are with all the Grenfell clan. Love Rob and Marion Morris

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