After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
Our thoughts were with you all today as you beautifully farewelled “Mrs Vella” as she was affectionelly known to us ‘Scicluna’ kids.
May the memories we all individually hold be treasured forever.
Our thoughts were with you all during the service, beautifully farwelling “Mrs Vella” as she was affectionately known to us Scicluna kids!!!!
May the memories we all individually hold be treasured forever.
Thank you for farewelling her with the lovely catholic church service and all the lovely prayers, she would have been proud. I am grateful for all the help she and Charlie gave me in my time of need. May Nina rest in peace and our thoughts and prayers are with her family.
A beautiful service for a lovely lady rest in peace dear Nina. I’m wrapping my arms around you all..
Love to all.
Our thoughts were with you all today as you beautifully farewelled “Mrs Vella” as she was affectionelly known to us ‘Scicluna’ kids.
May the memories we all individually hold be treasured forever.
Our thoughts were with you all during the service, beautifully farwelling “Mrs Vella” as she was affectionately known to us Scicluna kids!!!!
May the memories we all individually hold be treasured forever.
Thank you for farewelling her with the lovely catholic church service and all the lovely prayers, she would have been proud. I am grateful for all the help she and Charlie gave me in my time of need. May Nina rest in peace and our thoughts and prayers are with her family.
May the soul of Nena Rest In Peace. All our love Pauline and David Ellerton.
And condolences To all the Vella Family a very sad time for you.
Our condolences to Pauline, Vincent and Dimmy and all the family.
She is now at peace.
Thank you for having the your mums funeral on zoom.
God bless you all during this difficult time.
Love Tony, Connie and all the family.nxxxxx
Our thoughts, prayers and much love are with you today. We are with you online in loving memory of Nina.
Beautiful service you have done your mum proud
To Dimmie
Our thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time.
Laurie and Mary
Thinking of you all today Your Mum is at peace now Vince. Lots of love Jane and Alan
Wishing you all love & support Vince & family for this sad day .