The Funeral Service

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14 comments on “Fiore Gallo”

  1. Un abbraccio a tutti da lontano.
    Ciao Fiore, ciao Carmela.
    Vi voglio bene.
    Zia Vittoria

  2. Hi Julia and mehdi,
    My condolences to you and your family on the passing of your “Fiore Gallo” I know that it is hard to bear right now, but remember that death is only the end of the physical life and the beginning of an eternal life. May my friendship and prayers ease you through this difficult time

  3. May his soul rest in eternal peace. Fiore lived a life to be proud of and continues to live on through his wonderful family. My sincere condolences to you all. May God give you patience through this time of grief, and the strength to continue to celebrate Fiore’s exceptional life.

  4. Carissimi, rinnovo le nostre più sentite condoglianze a tutti. Con il video abbiamo condiviso il dolore ed il ricordo dello zio, vi siamo stati vicini anche se lontani , abbiamo ricordato la bella persona che è stata zio Fiore e che abbiamo avuto la fortuna di conoscerlo ed aver trascorso dei momenti di vita insieme. Resterà per sempre nei nostri cuori. Un abbraccio grande a tutti da Raffaela e Dino, Maria Elena e Davide, Irene e Andrea. R.I.P.Zio Fiore ❤❤❤❤❤

  5. Sending our love thoughts and prayers to you Julie, Neil, Lou, Ang and all your extended families. A beautiful send off for a beautiful man. So sorry we could not be there in person today. RIP Compare Fiore. ❤️❤️ Love Joanne & Cosi Dichiera & Family

  6. Zio Fiore was such a beautiful beautiful man. He will be so dearly missed

    He was my favourite zio out of all Nonno Salvatore’s siblings as he reminded me a lot of Nonno Sam. Always loving and caring and happy and kind. Truly a godly man.

    They leave behind a legacy to us all to carry in their footsteps of being loving, caring and happy & believing & serving in God.

    To my lovely godparents Neil & Pina, I’m so so sorry for your loss. Luke & Sarah & your families, you guys have had such a wonderful nonno & my thoughts and prayers are with you all xxxxx

    To Lui, Fross, Julie, Ang, Sam, Emily & Anton, sending you all my love and prayers as well.

    You are all so blessed to have had him in your lives. I pray you all have the strength to carry on in his legacy and I’m sure each of you beautiful souls will do him proud.

    Sending so much love and prayers to you all. Piera & Nathan Primarano

  7. It was a beautiful send off we will miss you Zio Fiore
    Thinking of you all ❤️❤️❤️

  8. My deepest condolences to the Gallo family he will be so proud of his family looking above . He had such a beautiful smile every time you saw him he was so welcoming he will be greatly missed regards, Gina❤️

  9. For Lou and the extended Gallo family; We wish we could be there to honour Fiore along with you. He was a great man, and we are glad we had the opportunity to know him. May his memory be cherished and remembered. Rest in Peace, Fiore.

  10. He will be missed by everyone that knew him. She was a good and proud man.He will be greatly missed. My condolences

  11. My deepest condolences to the GALLO Family❤️ he will be missed.The things I remember about him, is when we would visit him, he would always have a happy face, always smiling and making people feel comfortable. With love from Gina Evan, Alexandra, Chiara Chatzifotiou Family❤️

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