After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
I loved your Mom, even though I only was able to spend a few visits with her, felt like I knew her for years, she made me feel that way…
It’s sad, no way around it. Tony told me something just after my Dad died and was swimming in an ocean of grief, that really helped me, he just simply said, “ it gets easier “. I’ll pray for you all. Love , Eliece
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Hope you can all feel our love from afar.
-The Athan’s
Stan, Paulette, Ruby, Lilli, and Oliver
Our condolences to all the Giaquinta family
On the passing of Francesca
May she Rest In Peace
Tony and all of you ..
I loved your Mom, even though I only was able to spend a few visits with her, felt like I knew her for years, she made me feel that way…
It’s sad, no way around it. Tony told me something just after my Dad died and was swimming in an ocean of grief, that really helped me, he just simply said, “ it gets easier “. I’ll pray for you all. Love , Eliece