The Funeral Service

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50 comments on “Franco ‘Frank’ Delli Cicchi”

  1. Farewell to a good man who chose good friends. Too early, too much to bear. But we are all the better for having Frank in our lives.
    That is a significant life!

  2. Frank had such a big heart, and welcomed new friends into his life, an awesome inspiration toward how to be a great husband and father, a true gentleman who will be missed.

  3. I’m so moved by the beautiful tributes and expressions of love at this service and grateful to learn about Frank–father, husband, friend, a towering, generous spirit with a radiant smile. We will come to know him further through the exceptionally wonderful Andy, whom we adore. I am heartbroken at your incomparable loss. My sincere condolences–Julie Grau and all of us at Spiegel & Grau

  4. Frank was such a great colleague, mentor, and friend. It seemed like nothing fazed him and was always in good spirits. Socialising together, out of the office at functions, or our Christmas lunch, was always a highlight as Frank was always in the mood for a laugh and good conversation.

    I will miss him immensely.

    Sending my thoughts and love to Linda and the family x

  5. Dear Linda, Amanda & Andrew,

    What a beautiful service for Frank. We are reminded of the great human being that he was. I will always have fond memories of our fun times together in Manila & Singapore. My love and hugs to all of you during this difficult time. Rest easy, Frank. Until we meet again.

    Liza Leonor

  6. Frank was such an amazing colleague, mentor, and friend. He was always in good spirits and nothing seemed to faze him. When we socialised at functions and Christmas lunches they were always filled with laughter and good conversation, and it was a joy to be around him. I will miss him very much and my thoughts are with Linda and the family x.

  7. Dear Linda Amanda and Andrew
    We have never met but every time I caught up with Frank, I’d hear about you and Franks love and pride for you all shone through. Frank always bought an infectious smile and chuckle to any situation. Knowing him has been a blessing, he’ll be sorely missed but remain an inspiration.

  8. Dear Dad,

    One of the most profound joys and privileges of my life has been becoming a member of your family. You surrounded your loved ones with such care, warmth, and happiness – something we can all carry on with us in your memory. Thank you for always being Andrew’s and my support, even from so far away. I will miss you so much and will keep your advice and encouragement with me always.

    All my love to Mum, Andrew, and Amanda, and all your family and friends in Melbourne today.

    Love, Annie

  9. Dear Dad,

    One of the most profound joys and privileges of my life has been becoming a member of your family. You surrounded your loved ones with such care, warmth, and happiness – something we can all carry on with us in your memory. Thank you for always being Andrew’s and my support, even from so far away. I will miss you so much and will keep your advice and encouragement with me always.

    All my love to Mum, Andrew, and Amanda, and all your family and friends in Melbourne today.



  10. Carissimo Franco
    Life’s journey brought you and Linda into our lives and made them so much richer – thank you! Your kindness, compassion, joy of life, humour, sense of adventure ( thank you for taking on that last gruelling Nakasendo day and sparing us from the treacherous path and its leaches), and naturally your impeccable taste in wine and legendary negroni live in our hearts for always. At the centre will always be your beaming smile. You are loved, you are missed, and you will always be remembered. Until we meet again our dearest friend. Ciao bello! Arohanui Liana, Glenn and Alex

  11. My deepest condolences to Aunty Linda , Andrew and Amanda, while I’ve only interacted with Uncle Frank on occasion his exuberant personality and candid nature will be sorely missed.

    I apologize for having missed the earlier funeral, Godbless and lots of love from the Chong Family

  12. To Linda,

    Thank you for letting me join the service through live streaming. My deepest sympathy and prayers to you and your children.

    Frank was a wonderful person, husband, father and friend to all. He will deeply be missed.


  13. Dear Frank
    Our parents were great friends from same village in Italy and remained great friends in Australia we grew up in Campsie Yourself AnnaRita and myself your soul was a authentic soul caring of family and friends when ever we caught when you visited Sydney was always great Rest In Peace Frank
    Condolences to your Entire Famiglia
    Massimo Germani

  14. Frank was a caring husband and a good father to Amanda and Andrew. Love his smile, and kind nature will definitely miss him.

  15. DEAREST cousin Linda, Amanda and Andrew

    Our deepest condolences from Singapore from my mum and myself.

    Frank touched all who met him with his loving gestures his warmth and great jovial charisma especially to Linda his loving wife the undying support for his better half.

    You lived your life well Frank and you can enjoy your rest now with our heavenly father.

    And also to Christina and Melissa (though we never met) I heard of you girls from Frank whenever he is in town his love and sparkles in his eyes of his loving daughters.
    Your Dad was much loved and will be missed.

    Take care ❤️

  16. Dearest cousin Linda, Amanda and Andrew

    My deepest condolences much love from Singapore me and my mum.
    I managed to watch most part of the live stream while at work and take heart to know that our lively and jovial Frank was so loved so many meaningful photos and memories and the loving gestures Frank touched those in his life especially his dear wife the support he given my cousin all these years ❤️

    Frank you are in eternal peace now with our loving heavenly father you lived well and do enjoy your rest now Amen.

    And to Frank children Christina and Melissa though we never met, my condolences your Dad is a wonderful and loving person we will miss him..take care!

  17. Dear Frank,

    Thank you for the great memories from our trip to Fiji. We’ll never forget our wedding day, and how you and Linda adopted us as family and served as Best Man and Matron of honor for our Fijian wedding. We still aren’t sure how you managed to put your names on our wedding cake. Although we met briefly, we hold you and Linda in our hearts and consider you dear friends. Thank you for the laughter and friendship. You will be deeply missed.

    Bula Vinaka

  18. Dear Frank, although you are no longer with us, you will be forever in our hearts and memories. Thanks for giving us the privilege of knowing and working with you.

    Lots of love and hugs to Frank’s family, my thoughts are with you all.


  19. Dear Frank,

    Thank you for the great memories from our trip to Fiji. We’ll never forget our wedding day, and how you and Linda adopted us as family and served as Best Man and Matron of honor for our Fijian wedding. We still aren’t sure how you managed to put your names on our wedding cake. Although we met briefly, we hold you and Linda in our hearts and consider you dear friends. Thank you for the laughter and friendship. You will be deeply missed.

    Bula Vinaka

  20. Carissimo Franco
    Life’s journey brought you and Linda into our lives and made them so much richer – thank you! Your kindness, compassion, joy of life, humour, tramping sticks, and impeccable taste in wine stay in our minds and hearts for always. At the centre will always be your beaming smile. You are loved, you are missed, and you will always be remembered. Until we meet again our dearest friend! Ciao bello Arohanui Liana, Glenn and Alex

  21. Dear Frank,

    Thank you for the great memories from our trip to Fiji. We’ll never forget our wedding day, and how you and Linda adopted us as family and served as Best Man and Matron of honor for our Fijian wedding. We still aren’t sure how you managed to put your names on our wedding cake. Although we met briefly, we hold you and Linda in our hearts and consider you dear friends. Thank you for the laughter and friendship. You will be deeply missed.
    Bula Vinaka

  22. We loved getting to know Frank and treasure our time together in North Carolina at Andy’s graduation
    and Andy and Annie’s wedding ceremony. We looked forward to every opportunity to join him and Linda virtually over the years of our children’s courtship and marriage and mourn his loss. Thank you for the beautiful service and chance to celebrate his life with loving family and friends and learn about the many lives he’s touched. We are blessed to have known him.

  23. Dear Linda, Amanda & Andrew,

    Please accept our deepest condolences on the loss of Frank. We are so deeply saddened to hear of the passing of such a wonderful man. We may have only known him for 16 years but it feels like it was a lifetime as he treated every one with respect, compassion and humility. He always made us feel like we were part of his family.

    “Those we love don’t go away, they walk beside us every day….unseen, unheard, but always near, still loved still missed, and very dear.”

    Frank will remain very dear to many, for many years to come.

    Peter Yared and the team at Hotel Grand Chancellor Brisbane

  24. A man who lives his life to the fullest.
    You will be dearly remembered.
    Thank you Pak, Rest In Peace.
    God’s love and strenght be with the family.

    With love and pray
    Elizabeth (Ibeth)

  25. Dear Linda, Amanda and Andrew, thank you for the opportunity of being remotely present at Frank’s farewell . He indeed was a wonderful person, and one of the truest comments made about him was the way he treated the people he dealt with in business . The ones with whom I also had dealings spoke glowingly of their relationship with him and how they enjoyed his company and the pleasant, courteous and relaxed way he managed his busy responsibilities .No matter how busy or stressful a situation may have been he always had time for a friendly chat .Business was rightly second place to personal relationships . You will miss him, but you will be proud to have had such a man as husband and father ,

  26. Dear Frank, Thank you for your friendship through the years. Also a most wonderful boss. Will miss you.
    Deepest condolences from Francis and I to Linda, Amanda and Andrew.

  27. Dear Frank
    Our parents came from same village and were great friends I grew up with you and AnnaRita in Campsie when ever you came to Sydney on a business trip you made time to visit my parents you have always been a caring soul Rest In Peace
    Love to AnnaRita Linda Amanda and Andrew

  28. My Dear cousin, my deepest condolences to you. Even tho I only met Frank briefly when both of you came back to Singapore for a short trip. Frank’s smile and bright personality touched everyone around him.

    May memories of Frank and the love of family surround you and give you strength in the days ahead. Frank will be greatly missed by all of us.

  29. Dear Frank,
    The few times we have met, you have always been very kind, positive and generous. I mostly knew you through my friend Amanda, and you will always be remembered as a wonderful father to her. May you rest in peace. Much love to you and your family from ours.

  30. Dear Linda, Amanda and Andrew,

    What a beautiful service, celebrating the life of your beloved husband and father, Frank. I am sure he would have been smiling down from heaven. May God give you peace and comfort during this time, but also, the assurance that Frank – a much loved man – is in a better place.

    God bless you all always.

  31. Aunt Linda, Andrew, Amanda

    I have warm memories of Uncle Frank as a jovial and caring person. Take comfort knowing that he is in a better place now, free of pain. My sincere condolences on your loss.

  32. Frank has always been one of life’s true gentlemen. One in a million! This beautiful service is a lovely testament to a wonderful man, husband, father and friend. We will miss you, Frank. Love to Linda, Amanda and Andrew from Mark and Ruth and family.

  33. Our thoughts and prayers and deepest condolences to Linda, Amanda & Andrew – we know how much Frank meant to you. He was such a positive, joyful and caring person – he will be very much missed. Sadly we didn’t have many chances to meet and spend more time together, but all our good times are cherished. Love to you all
    Chin & Alvin

  34. Dear Frank

    We didn’t get to meet much but I have always been thankful for my friendship with Amanda. She’s smart, thoughtful and always fun to be around. I’m sure that this is a reflection of her upbringing with yourself. The times we did meet, I remember you being very generous and easygoing. My thoughts are with you and your family today.


  35. Dear Frank,

    I am forever grateful for welcoming me into your home with such warmth and humour. You have been so generous, humble and above all else, kind. Thank you for gracing us all with your gentle and loving spirit. The world is less bright without you.

    My deepest condolences to your family and friends. You are so very loved and I am thankful to have known you.

    Rest easy. With love,

  36. Vale, Frank. Thank you for your friendship since 1969 at CBHS Lewisham. Your gift of leadership was recognised when you were bestowed the position of Vice-Captain in 1976.
    You were always the epitome of the gentle man and a gift in my life. You influenced me in many ways and I will be forever thankful.
    Requiescat in Pace

  37. Frank, you are such a core part of so many great memories. You were friendly, welcoming, and a great laugh. You’ve raised the most wonderful daughter, and she is such a special friend. Sending lots of love to your family, from NZ. Chloe

  38. Privileged to attend Franks funeral online…great photos and the music I grew up with and kaha to Linda and Franks family.

  39. Frank, the world has become a little less bright with the loss of such a wonderful man. You’ve touched so many lives and there are not enough words to express how much you’ll be missed. We will always cherish the time we spent with you, the laughs we had, and the memories we have of such a fun-loving man who lived life to its fullest.

  40. Hey Franco
    You have been a true friend since year 5 – 1969 – so long ago yet it’s not long enough. I still remember competing with you in the SRA reading challenge. You became a great friend through high school and beyond. Who could forget playing cards in the back room at Campsie, or playing footy, or your 21st with the lead electric piano accordian in the backyard. Great memories. Even though we did not see each other so much in later life the conversation always resumed when next we spoke. I miss you mate.
    God bless
    Peter F

  41. Dear Frank,

    Amazing memories will never be forgotten. Your energy and happiness brightened any room you walked in to. You will be truly missed by all <3.

    Goodbye and God bless, from Sophie and Corey

  42. Mr Delli Cicchi,

    Forever MY MR DELLI CICCHI… Your kindness back at Royal Crowne Plaza brought me lots of fond memories. As much as you ‘hated’ me calling your surname, but today, you are still my one and only ‘Mr Delli Cicchi’. Shall miss you deeply…

  43. Dearest Frank
    Thank you for the warmth of your friendship, your boundless positive energy, your wonderful good humour and your unfailingly wise counsel. I will miss you very much and I promise to always be there for Linda, Amanda and Andrew.
    Arrivederci and Godspeed.

  44. Dear Frank

    Thank you and Linda so much for welcoming me into your home so many times. You’ve always been amazing friends to me and bumping into you outside the James Cook on a regular basis always made my day a little bit better.

    I’m so grateful for my friendship with Amanda and so I also want to thank you for that.

    Amanda, Linda and Andrew – thinking of you guys today. Lots of love,

  45. DearFrank
    Thank you so much for your friendship over the years. Loved all the visits at work and later when I retired. All the wonderful conversations and the progress of Amanda and Andrew. You will always remain such a dear friend. My love and thoughts are with Linda, Amanda, Andrew and partners at this very sad time. RIP.

  46. FRANK was a beautiful soul, full of love and faith, he has ascended to heaven, away from us, but closer to God, leaving loneliness and sadness. Words cannot describe what I am feeling. I give my condolences to your entire family, Linda. May God rest his soul.


  47. Dear Frank

    Thank you for having been such a FRIEND (all caps) to me throughout the years, and loving Linda, Amanda & Andrew the way you did!


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