After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
To Kylie, Dean, Naomi, Jessica, Isabella, Jack, William, Abigail and Benjamin,
A lovely service for your Dad and Grandfather, we are going to miss Gary and Glenda very much.
They were a big part of our lives and will miss our catch up’s and phone calls.
RIP Gary, most sincere condolences to your Family, great memories of great times in the days when Friday night went until Monday morning, we packed a lot of fun and great living into those hours. Unfortunately no more Detours for you old friend. Thank you for your friendship at a time when I really needed it you will always be in my thought. Good bye old friend
Thanks Gary for all the memories growing up together. Such great memories of playing cricket in the park in summer, attending the footy supporting South Melbourne in the winter and cruising in your FJ Holden watching the local girls. Thanks Gary for all the wonderful times we shared. See you again someday.
Thoughts to the Scott family on the very sad passing of both Gary and Glenda.
First met Gary in 1956, when we went to school together at Our Lady’s South Melbourne, then on to SS Peter and Paul’s and St Joseph’s. By 1966, we ended up living around the corner from each other in Albert Park. We used to walk from Albert Park to Princess Pier,Port Melbourne to fish for course, and sell them to the wharvies for pocket money. So glad that we caught up again in recent years
To Kylie, Dean, Naomi, Jessica, Isabella, Jack, William, Abigail and Benjamin,
A lovely service for your Dad and Grandfather, we are going to miss Gary and Glenda very much.
They were a big part of our lives and will miss our catch up’s and phone calls.
May they both be at peace together.
Laurie, Helen and family. (Berrigan NSW).
Our deepest sympathy to all Gary and Glenda’s family it was a lovely service.
RIP Gary, most sincere condolences to your Family, great memories of great times in the days when Friday night went until Monday morning, we packed a lot of fun and great living into those hours. Unfortunately no more Detours for you old friend. Thank you for your friendship at a time when I really needed it you will always be in my thought. Good bye old friend
Gary Scott
Thanks Gary for all the memories growing up together. Such great memories of playing cricket in the park in summer, attending the footy supporting South Melbourne in the winter and cruising in your FJ Holden watching the local girls. Thanks Gary for all the wonderful times we shared. See you again someday.
Thoughts to the Scott family on the very sad passing of both Gary and Glenda.
Brian Davison.
First met Gary in 1956, when we went to school together at Our Lady’s South Melbourne, then on to SS Peter and Paul’s and St Joseph’s. By 1966, we ended up living around the corner from each other in Albert Park. We used to walk from Albert Park to Princess Pier,Port Melbourne to fish for course, and sell them to the wharvies for pocket money. So glad that we caught up again in recent years