The Funeral Service

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20 comments on “Gary Smith”

  1. Ian,
    I have only just found out about Gary’s passing. Could you please send me the password. I can’t believe I didn’t know about it.
    Jennie and Benjamin

  2. Dearest Ian.
    He will be so missed. He was a remarkable mann. Once you have the password would you mind sending it to me as I did not get to watch much of Gary’s celebration as I got called away for a work emergency. So sorry. Tony and I will it on our back deck looking over the bush and raise a glass to Gary today. All our love. xx

  3. Ian, this was the most beautiful send off for Gary. We laughed and cried as we watched it, so sorry we couldn’t,t be there to share a beautiful day with you and all the laughs and memories with you. I,m proud to have known a wonderful Gary and I reckon he is smiling down on us all now. Thank you Ian, and thank you for looking after our Gary so well.

  4. when i was little, uncle gary taught me to “dance it out” when i was sad. my favourite memory was of us dancing on the couch and him and i collapsing in a fit of giggles. I will for ever dance my sadness out. You brought so much light and love to all my favourite people in the world. I love you forever Uncle Gary.
    – Your tiniest niece Kate

  5. Thoughts are with you Ian.
    Gary was an amazing soul, touched many with that huge heart of his.
    A very special kind and caring person without a doubt.
    It was a privilege to have gotten to know him and yourself for the many years we spent as next door neighbours in Drummoyne.
    I’ll treasure those memories.
    Much love

  6. That was a beautiful service, Ian.
    Watched it from start to finish here in Sydney: what a wonderful send-off for Gary, and it was a privilege to be included from afar.
    Sending love, and an all-enveloping hug,
    Simon x

    PS: the celebrant was just perfect.

  7. Thank you Ian for including me in todays special service for Gary.

    So many wonderful memories came flooding back to me, such a beautiful day surrounded by many who loved and knew him. Such great stories everyone.

    I send you, family and friends strength and love ❤


  8. That was just wonderful to attend online. Thank you for the opportunity. That has brought back so many memories. Love to you Ian and to the logical and biological families and friends. Vale to a beautiful human, Gary.

  9. Much love, Ian. Allan, Catherine and I have been watching the service, which I’m sure Gary would have loved.

    He is with us – you, his Mum and sisters and nieces, and all his wonderful, eloquent friends – at all times.

    Thank you for all your love.

  10. Sending much love to you Ian. I’m sure Gary will always be in your heart, he was such a wonderful man and loving husband. He will be so missed by all who love him

  11. Watching with a smile, a tear and so wishing I was with you Ian. With so much love, Your Best Person at your wedding XOXOXOXOXOX

  12. Ian even though I couldn’t be there my love and hugs I send.

    I will never forget Gary and will miss the amazing man he was xxxx

    Love always Tammy

  13. Physically far away but our hearts are right there at Petticoat Junction where we got married just under a year ago. Love to our guncles forever and always. Love Gemma, Josh & Boo over in Canada xxxxxx

  14. My darlings, I am here with our new Kitten, named with the middle name Gary, as I think he’d like to see an animal rescued, and thinking of the happy times, the furious talks, the love. Long may he be a force in all our lives and thinking.

    Much love Ian, love Kez ( Miimi)

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