The Funeral Service

Guest Book

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16 comments on “Gertrude ‘Joyce’ Goddard”

  1. Dear Jill and family,

    What a lovely service for your mum and grandma and a real insight into her character and life.

    Thanks for letting us share it with you.

    Sue and John

  2. Dear Jill and family,
    What a lovely farewell to your Mum and grandma and such an insight into her character and her life. Thanks for letting us
    share it with you.
    Sue and John

  3. Joyce would have been proud of you all today.Lovely send off for a lovely lady. Jill your speech filled a lot of gaps dad may have forgotten, I can now refresh his memory which will please him greatly.Thanks for letting us celebrate Joyce’s life.
    God bless you all,
    Lots of Love
    Pauline and David.

  4. Dear Jill and family,
    What a beautiful tribute and celebration of your beloved Mums life and legacy. My thoughts are with you.

  5. Dear Jill,
    It was a very lovely ceremony for your mum,s send off.
    From the way you speak you are clearly missing the closeness you had with your mum.

    All the best.
    Ric and Shell

    PS I guess we are all now the seniors of our families

  6. Beautiful service and an amazing woman. We could take a leaf out of her book Condolences to Deb, Brad, Chloe, Maddie and the extended family xx

  7. Dear Jill & family,
    A beautiful service to farewell your precious Mum. Thank you for inviting us to celebrate the story of her life.
    Max, Faye & family

  8. To Dear Linda and all your family

    Thankyou so much for providing me with the link to your wonderful service for Joyce, it was wonderful to hear her story and feel part of saying goodbye to such a lovely dignified clever warm lady.

    Joyce always enjoyed our card games with our mum Betty and we are thankful for the friendship she gave us over the years.
    Much love to your lovely family

    Shirley Brown ( Darwin)

  9. Dear Jill andJill’s famILY
    Beautiful service and a wonderful eulogy from you Jill. so interesting and you spoke so well. Your love and closeness – was apparent – the whole family – so nice to see..
    take care and my love to you.
    What a positive lady she was and how much we can all learn by that.

  10. Dear Jill

    What a beautiful gentle farewell to your Mum Thanks for the opportunity to share it with you on-line

    Take care,


  11. Dear Jill and family,
    Thinking of you all as you celebrate your lovely mum’s life.
    Take care
    Maree and family

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