Streaming of Funeral Service

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Following the service, the footage will be posted and you can watch at a later time if you were unable to watch at the time of the service. Once editing is complete, the footage will be posted which will include all 3 camera angles.

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13 comments on “Gloria Gatliff”

  1. What a beautiful memorial for a beautiful lady. My thoughts are with you all today and thank you for letting me share her. Gloria is someone I will remember forever and it was an honour to look after her not just the last 4 years but also in her final hours.Take care of each other and please be reassured that Dad is in good hands with us. Lots of love, Joy.xo

  2. Love and thought are with Ron, Mandy and Lisa at the loss of your beautiful Mum. Mr and Mrs Gat as we called them, were special to us in our early years in Brim. I remember many wonderful times our families shared.
    Until recently she (and Mr Gat before he became ill) was always excited to hear from us and interested to here about our life and our extended family. Les and I were delighted when Mr and Mrs Gat attended our wedding in 2007 before we went to Sharjah in the UAE and Glo laughed loudly when Ian got up and did the belly dance with a gust belly dancer.
    What a privilege it was to know and love Mrs Gat and Mr Gat.
    RIP Mrs Gat
    Jan Senior

  3. To Ian, Mandy, Ron,Lou,Lisa and Tim, my thoughts and prayers have been there for you all over the last little while in particular.
    I remember when Mandy took me down to have lunch with Gloria, and yes, then we went shopping! I enjoyed the time with her. Losing a mum leaves a hole in our lives. We are so fortunate to have many memories to draw on.I wish you the peace that Gloria has now to help you in the times ahead.
    Heather,Brian and Peter Haines

  4. Thank you for including us in you celebration of Gloria’s life. Bernice and I have known Gloria and Ian since their time at Lah but it is our recent trips across the bay for our semi regular lunches at Mornington and environs that we most miss. I particularly will miss my regular phone calls to Gloria for updates that became a tale of the comings and goings of the Schaeche family and she was always vitally interested in our children and grand children. My Mother and Father (Lola and Gordon Schaeche) regarded Gloria and Ian as family and we have the same sense of loss on losing a family member.
    Wonderful memories remain.

  5. Sincere condolences to the Gatliff family.
    Gloria will always be remembered to the Gordons as sharing a great friendship with my parents, Dot and Don. Gloria was a huge support to Dad in his early years at East, and quickly she and Ian became Dot and Don’s valued lifelong friends. They enjoyed many experiences in the ensuing years, including Friday cards – a source of constant fun and laughter. Dad & I were pleased to experience Gloria so happily enjoying ‘her’ beautiful sea view as we sat to chat when we visited her more recently in her Care centre.
    RIP Gloria. You are remembered with love.

  6. Thank you to the family for allowing us to be part of your celebration of Gloria’s life Bernice and I have known Gloria and Ian since their days in Lah but recently enjoyed our regular trips across the bay to have lunch with them in Mornington and environs. I will miss particularly my regular phone conversations with Gloria since Ian’s dementia set in and I recall her great interest in the comings and goings of the Schaeche family. Mum and Dad are long gone but they regarded Gloria and Ian as family and we hold them in the same regard
    Wonderful memories remain.

  7. Thoughts are with you Mandy Lisa Ron and family
    It was a pleasure to look after Gloria for her final 4 years of life
    What a pleasant loving lady she was,
    She was very fond of her carers and always made sure to tell
    Me she was thankful for everything I did for her each time I saw her, she was also always asking about my family and after every night shift she would say ‘ Drive safe Rachel’ that’s the kind of caring lady she was,
    May Gloria rest peacefully now

    From Rachel (carer at Benetas)

  8. What a lovely send off for a wonderful lady. I am sorry not to have been there. I had a last conversation with Aunty Gloria in July when she rang me to tell me she was safe from COVID and wanting to answer any questions I might have about my Mum and her sister Val. She was always thrilled that she had beaten my Mum to see my new daughter Nicola as she was holidaying in Nelson Bay at the time. They spotted Garry driving past and he told them the news and they drove straight to the hospital.
    She will always have a special place in my heart and will be sadly missed.
    Love to all the family, Carolyn

  9. What a beautiful service – full of such wonderful memories. What a wonderful and full life Gloria had. She was such a special person. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Lots of love Helen, Andrew and family. xxx

  10. Thanks for many great times in Brim,Frankston and Mornington.
    Great memories of Badminton,enjoyable lunches and many happy
    Our condolences to all the family.

  11. My heart goes out to you all, Uncle Ian, Ronald, Mandy, Lisa & extended family.
    That was a beautiful tribute of a remarkable lady, my Auntie Gloria. She has a special place in mine & my family’s heart.We have beautiful memories of our times shared with her. Now Glo is with My mum Barbara & Auntie Bev♥️
    Love you all very much.
    Kathy Foster in WA. Xo….

  12. Dear Uncle Ian, Ron, Lou, Mandy, Lisa & Tim, our sympathy and thoughts are with you all today. I’m sure Auntie Gloria will be sitting on your shoulder to guide you through then will have a big greeting party with open arms all around her on the next journey. A classy lady that will be missed by many but memories will keep her forever in your heart. At peace now. all our love ,Penny, Mike & Tom.

  13. To Mandy, Lisa, Ron and family

    I send my heart felt warm wishes to you in this time of need,
    I am
    Sorry I could not make it to the service I was so so hopeful I would be able too but I am working back to back night shift and live an hour away from
    The service so was unable too,
    Gloria is a beautiful lady it was such a pleasure to look after her for the last 4 years she brings so much joy to many peoples lives, Gloria always told me each day how much she appreciated everything I did for her
    And she always loved to give me a hug, I think a hug also helped Gloria on the days things became to much for her, I never left her room when she felt down or sad I always made sure I seen a smile before I went on with job,
    I wish you all the healing in this time of sadness, and I’ll treasure all those little gifts Gloria gave me through the years
    All the best and take care

    From Rachel (carer at Benetas)

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