The Funeral Service
Burial Service
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Noelz here from Ohana. Sending all my love and condolences to you and your beautiful family. I pray that each day you grieve, you will always feel of your son’s love for you!!
Dear Kellie, Dave, Tim, Sarah & Amiee, Thank you for sharing your beautiful son & brother with us all, an unbreakable bond you all share. He is flying high in the stars. A life lived to the fullest with fun and playfulness.
Thank you for allowing me to share this beautiful celebration of Harrison.
Thinking of you all. Beautiful service. We will miss Harrison. ❤️ Harvest won’t be the same without you H.
My heart goes out to you all!
Was a beautiful service. Big love to you all. I couldn’t be there today, but am so glad I could hear some of the special stories and memories that will forever live on.
Such a special family xx
Love Eleanor
Dear Kel … what a beautiful service to commemorate your young man. He was clearly adored, well respected & enjoyed by everyone he knew. He certainly packed a lot in to his 18 years. We hope the love & closeness you’ve fostered in your family & friendship group can now bring you all comfort & support at this dreadfully sad time. Sending you, those gorgeous kids & extended family much love … Amanda, Al & Charli Dobeson
Beautiful service thinking of you all today and in the future. Much love to you all.
Dear Kelly and family,
I extend my heartfelt condolences to you during this difficult time. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. The ceremony was truly beautiful, and I want to express my gratitude for allowing me to be a part of it.
With deepest sympathy,
Olivia Rodda
Dear Kelly and family,
I extend my heartfelt condolences to you during this difficult time. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. The ceremony was truly beautiful, and I want to express my gratitude for allowing me to be a part of it.
With deepest sympathy,
Olivia Rodda
Sending our love and sincere condolences. It was a beautiful service and he was a beautiful young man. What a wonderful life he had lived surrounded by such great love.
A beautiful service, thinking of you Dave and all the family
My heart completely broken for you all! Much love to you Kell and families
Thinking of you all today and sending love and hugs XX
RIP Harrison
The Thorsen’s
Thinking of you all today! Sending so much love. Rest easy Harrison xx
Sorry I couldn’t be there today. Thinking of you all fly high H
To all family friends, wishing all the best on this tough day. So sorry i cannot be there, im watching on from WA, sending love and support.❤️❤️ fly high barry fly higgh
Sending our love to Tim, Kellie, Dave, Amy and Sarah. We couldn’t be with you in person today but know that you are in our hearts and we are holding you all close. A beautiful send off for an amazing young man who meant so much to so many. RIP Harrison
We at EZE are going to miss that smiling face coming into work and having a good old chat you were a bloody good kid mate , fly high brother
You have all been our hearts. Much love to you all.
Thank you for sharing so many of the joys of Harrison’s life, and his family’s treasured memories of him. Those who spoke did so well, and bravely to talk of their loss.
Thinking of you,
What a beautiful service, so sorry I couldn’t be there today. Thinking of you all ❤️
Thinking of you all, such a beautiful send off
Thinking of you all today.
So sorry to all the family, unfortunately I was unable to be there today, my thoughts are with all of you today. The sun shines him on his way. XXOO
All my thoughts with Harrison and the family rest easy brother all the love !!
Thinking of you all today forever in my heart ❤️
Thinking of you all