Before the Service

The Service

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4 comments on “HBW”

  1. To us remaining in the reflection of dearest Harper today, we ache for the zest this boy had for all beings and lifes mysteries, A new black super moon and cascades of gamma rays from an exploded star were also in sync with sending this precious soul to his next adventure. He’s reintegrated with the divine and the divine he has left us with. This service was full of that special paradox of real love and deep sadness, Jodey and I can mourn from where we are today at this unfathomable loss for Cindy , Kiah, Perrin and Maya., nearest friends and a wonderful community with spirit and support. We love you all and may our hearts be filled with auspicious chance knowing how we have been touched by Harpers grin and grace. Bless! Tristan and Jodey and family XXXXXXX

  2. Dear Jacinda and family,
    I have been feeling so saddened by your tragic loss. It was touching to see such a show of support from a community that is helping you through this, step by step. This was a very special and moving service for a beautiful young boy, reflecting on your lives shared together with his dad. The photos conveyed such love and wonderful memories, a reminder to value every moment we have together and a lesson in gratitude.
    Much love to you all,,
    Vanessa Meckes

  3. What a beautiful celebration of Harper’s short yet full life. The Fleetwood Mac song at the end was uplifting to a sad situation. Thoughts, love, healing and light to you Cindy and family xx Danielle Snoxell

  4. What an amazingly full and inspiring life Harper lived. I was honoured to watch the sharing of memories and photos and learn more about this young man. 10 years isn’t long but I’ve just turned 40 and he’s certainly inspired me to go out there and live life to the fullest. What an amazing community to have lived in. I send so much love and condolences to Harper & Matt’s family and friends. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Sarah Nickels

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