After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
A beautiful service to Henryka who in her life experienced many hardships and setbacks and still had so much love and happiness to give to her family and friends. Great memories to be treasured of a truly remarkable person.
Sincere condolences to all the family.
Kochani, jesteśmy wdzięczni, że mogliśmy wziąć udział , choć tylko on-line, w tak pięknej uroczystości. Henia pozostanie w naszych sercach. Danusia z rodziną
To my siblings and families. Thank you all for arranging such a lovely funeral service for Mum. She would be so proud of you all. For myself , I send all my love and share your sorrow. xxxxx
What a truly beautiful service to farewell Henia. I am sure she would of been so proud of you all. Sending our love to you all.
Our family has so many fond memories Rest In Peace Henia. xx
Henia teras spoczywa Panem Bogem
Od Zosie Parkitny Rodziny xx
Sending our deepest condolences to you all.
We are so very sorry for this saddest of losses but know now that she is at peace looking down on you all – the family she loved so deeply.
A great lady is in heaven tending her garden.
Surrounding you with our love and prayers .. Wendy Fornal and Family
Dearest Henya
I will so miss your beautiful smile where your eyes disappear into all the lines of a joyful face…and your cute little giggles when all your teeth are out and I tease you to say certain words like I do with my own beautiful mother.
I will miss your beautiful girls who advocate so well for you. No tipyoes for tjem…they come in like lions to make sure you get what you need.
I will miss seeing all your family together on special days having a dinner party and spoiling you wiyh delicious cuisines.
I will just miss you my darling Henya….see you on the other side in the New Order.
John5 verse 28
A beautiful service to Henryka who in her life experienced many hardships and setbacks and still had so much love and happiness to give to her family and friends. Great memories to be treasured of a truly remarkable person.
Sincere condolences to all the family.
A lovely service for a wonderful woman. My condolences to you all
Kochani, jesteśmy wdzięczni, że mogliśmy wziąć udział , choć tylko on-line, w tak pięknej uroczystości. Henia pozostanie w naszych sercach. Danusia z rodziną
To my siblings and families. Thank you all for arranging such a lovely funeral service for Mum. She would be so proud of you all. For myself , I send all my love and share your sorrow. xxxxx
What a truly beautiful service to farewell Henia. I am sure she would of been so proud of you all. Sending our love to you all.
Our family has so many fond memories Rest In Peace Henia. xx
Henia teras spoczywa Panem Bogem
Od Zosie Parkitny Rodziny xx
It was a beautiful service, thank you for sharing. Love to you all. Xxx
Our condolences to all the family.
That was a beautiful service for Henryka .
George , Charan, Jaskeerat and Sehejkeerat Gill. Kuala Lumpur.
A truly beautiful service. Sending my love and hugs to everyone.
Nanna, I will miss you very much xxx
Beautiful service. XX
Sending our deepest condolences to you all.
We are so very sorry for this saddest of losses but know now that she is at peace looking down on you all – the family she loved so deeply.
A great lady is in heaven tending her garden.
Surrounding you with our love and prayers .. Wendy Fornal and Family
Beautiful service.
Rest in peace dear Henia.
Jean C.
Lots of love from the Riverwood team
Dearest Henya
I will so miss your beautiful smile where your eyes disappear into all the lines of a joyful face…and your cute little giggles when all your teeth are out and I tease you to say certain words like I do with my own beautiful mother.
I will miss your beautiful girls who advocate so well for you. No tipyoes for tjem…they come in like lions to make sure you get what you need.
I will miss seeing all your family together on special days having a dinner party and spoiling you wiyh delicious cuisines.
I will just miss you my darling Henya….see you on the other side in the New Order.
John5 verse 28
Rest in Peace Henryka. You will be remembered with love