The Funeral Service
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Es war sehr bewegend, daß ich bei der Gedenkfeier von meiner lieben Patentante Hildegard dabei sein konnte, wenn auch tausende Km entfernt in Freiburg. Sie hat mir mein ganzes leben lang treulich geschrieben und Päckchen geschickt, gegen Ende haben das Herbert und Dot übernommen.
Hildegard hat mich auch in Esslingen zweimal besucht, Überall in unserer Wohnung sind Spuren von ihr. Ihre Mutter habe ich als Kind erlebt bevor sie nach Australien gereist ist Sie war mit meiner Mutter Dutti Ott geb. Paulus befreundet. Susi und Herbert habe ich in Esslingen bei Werner Paulus getroffen und Christa und Ron waren hier bei uns zu Besuch. Nun schicke ich Euch herzliche Grüße: Dot, Herbert, Christa, Renate mit Familien.
Hildegard ist fest in meiner Erinnerung verankert.
To Julian, Renate, and family,
A lovely remembrance service for Hildegard, with wonderful memories from her loving family.
That was a very moving tribute Julian.
Deepest condolences,
Tomas, Janelle and family.
Liebe Hoffmann family,
dankbar sind wir, dass wir Hildegard so oft hier und bei Euch erleben durften. Eine kluge, liebenswerte und offene Frau.
R.I.P. und Euch liebe und mitfühlende Grüße aus Degerloch.
Eberhard und Ulrike
I am grateful to have experienced Tante Hidegard’s celebration this evening, almost as if attending in real time.
Thank you Dot, Herb, Christa, Renate and your spouses, children and grandchildren for creating an inspiring and revelatory event. Thank you Renate Weber and Pastor Kim. I learnt so much, and join you all in remembrance.
Liebe Australien Familie
Vielen Dank fürs Teilen dieser schönen Feier zum Gedenken von Hildegard.
Wir sind in Gedanken bei ihr und bei Euch.
Liebe Grüße von Bettina mit Frieder, Michael, Anja, Hendrik, Friederike
Renata and family,
What a beautiful service for a beautiful woman, Hildegard. Now I know where Renata’s love of reading comes from. Sorry I couldn’t be there, sending all our love, Anne-Marie, Ryan and Mia ❤️
I was deeply moved by the lovely poems and words about your beloved Oma Hildegard, may her soul rest in peace. The wonderful German song and the White Rose that accompanied the photos were heart-meltingly beautiful and moved me to tears. I was so sorry that I couldn’t be there in person. My sincerest condolences at this sad time of loss and grieving. I’ve chosen this prayer as my tribute…
Holy oneness
When I have no answers, sustain me.
When I have no solutions, sustain me.
When I feel abandoned, sustain me.
When I feel no hope, sustain me.
When my hands remain empty, sustain me.
When I feel too small inside, sustain me.
When I think I am not enough, sustain me.
In those moments,
open my heart and mind to a fresh vision of love,
Let love move through me and within me.
Let love sustain me.
(adapted from Stephanie Dowrick)
I wanted to be there but things got in my way at the last moment. It was a very fine service, and it gave one a sense of what a lovely lady your Mum was, which I knew anyway from the few times I did meet her and was welcomed into her home.
Condolences to all of your family.
My thoughts are with you, may she fly high to finally be with Bush again. ❤️ Trudi Blessing
Dear Dot, Herb, Christa and Renate and families. It was a privilege to be able to share this memorial service with you. Hildegard was a lovely woman inside and out, and I remember her fondly. Your loving and heartfelt tributes were wonderful to hear and share. May she rest in peace. With Love, Liz Hoffmann (Canberra)
Lynette and Peter Haar send their sincere condolences to Hildegard’s immediate and wider families.
Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the service. What a great family Hildegard has.
Sending our love and support to the family, we are sorry that we couldn’t be there with you today. Love Emilie and Connor
Deepest condolences from Marina & John
Your Mum was always the loveliest of ladies
Thinking of you all
To Herbie and family, our deepest sympathy.
Nuggy and Richard