Streaming of Funeral Service

After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.

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4 comments on “Ina Watson”

  1. just a wee note to say it was a lovely ceremony and everyone did Ina proud.
    She was well loved by her family and this came across strongly in the video link
    and hope you are all coping well at this difficult time.

  2. It was a privilege to be able to join in the service for dear Aunt Ina. I’ve known her since I was a wee lassie in Glasgow and have memories well before she travelled to Australia. I always enjoyed seeing her when she returned to Scotland on vacation.
    The streaming of the service was technically excellent . Thank you.

  3. Dear Catherine, Don, Linda and all your families
    We are thinking of you all at this very sad time and sending our love and condolences to you all
    Margie & Nevil xxx

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