The Funeral Service

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30 comments on “Jacoba Vegt”

  1. Hi Eric . Thank you for your lovely comment.
    Are you the Eric I went to primary school with or are you friends with one of my brothers?

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful farewell of my lovelyTante Co. Each word spoken brought back a shared feeling or memory. I will miss her and wish you all strength to face life without her presence. Kindest regards Elvira

  3. Dear Ineke, Michael, Ruth and all the Vegt family,

    It was a shock to hear of the passing of “tante Co” and of the fire that took her life. Please know you are in our prayers for healing in this difficult time and in the days ahead.

    With love and blessings,

    Walt & Inge Dubbeld Hersman

  4. Dear Ineke, Rex, John, Martian& Families,
    What beautiful message about an amazing Lady who I and my brothers and sisters and family had the privilege of growing up with through church and family get together.
    It was great growing up with the Vegt families at youth club and at church and also John in the Monbulk fire brigade. Co made a great impacted on so many lives always had time for a chat, was very well known in Monbulk often seen chatting to people down the Main Street of Monbulk. Co’s love for her family was amazing. Her love for the church a great example to us and the local community.
    The whole family did an amazing job of telling us all about a amazing lady at the funeral the video link was a great way to be a part in COVID time, we would have loved to be there and been able to give a hug!
    Love jack and Gayle

  5. What a wonderful example of Jesus was tante Co, and through the tributes today this was evidenced. There are such memories of time spent at your house, Ineke, Rex, John and Martin, together with great times as youth club buddies. My parents were so blest by oom Wim and tante Co, both being such support when first arriving in Australia, and throughout their earthly lives, and especially the last years when dad. Was alone, tante Co was such a lovely friend. She will be missed in Monbulk, and Hope in the Hills, but most of all for all of you who were her pride and joys, and we will pray for you all. Much strength, and peace to you all.

  6. Dear overseas family,
    Thank you for the opportunity to be a small part of the funeral of tante Co.
    During this summer holiday moment we travel through unknown parts of Holland and being on a camping site with a bad internet connection we were there connected to the family and were able to hear those lovely memories mixed with words of “appelmoes” and the “Onze Vader” prayer.
    Thinking of tante Co and our overseas family we send you our love and blessings!
    Henk Vegt, born 1953, son of Henk Vegt born 1919.

  7. Ineke and family
    I am so sorry to hear of your loss
    My memory of your mum is very fond she was a great help to me when I was young
    We had great talks lots of laughing and she was very understanding
    I I remember it well walking all the way from Monbulk to Mt Evelyn to go to church
    We missed the sermon but had great company And enjoyed the walk
    We just followed The service of the funeral it was beautiful
    Take care be strong. Lots of love Gerry and Wilma ❤️

  8. Such a warm, moving tribute. What a powerful lasting heritage of love and faith. A treasured lifelong friend of my Oma – Corrie Swaan ( dec. 1999 ) .My sincere sympathy to all Mrs Vegt’s family, Elizabeth John 14 :3

  9. What beautiful service and commemoration of the life of your mum. Such wonderful memories that you were able to share. Ineke and Martin you did a great job of bringing your mum to life – I’m sure she would have been very proud of you and humbled.
    Wishing you Gods peace and strength as you face the days and weeks ahead.
    Love to all the family.

  10. Ineke, and All of your Family,

    Such a lovely service; your honoring of your Mother, Oma and Great Oma was testament to the truly inspirational, and loving person that she was, and will undoubtedly, continue to be along side you all.

    Your clear recollections, and the strength that you displayed today, are just two of the gifts that your caring and warmhearted “Matriarch”has obviously left you to carry forward into the future.

    Look after yourselves over the coming weeks and months.

    We are thinking of you.

    Love Jane & George

  11. It was an honour to know Mrs Vegt.
    A fitting tribute by a family whom we are lucky enough to call our friends.
    Thinking of you all.
    Ian and Sue James and Dot Hefford

  12. Dear Ineke, Rex, John, Martin and families,

    Thank you that we could join with you at the funeral of your dear mum and oma. We know how much you all meant to her and she to you all, and no doubt you will miss her a lot!

    Thank you for sharing some of her stories. We were privileged to be a small part of her life, and thankful for her friendship (especially for our dad after our mum passed away. She always took time to listen to him).

    We remember the strong faith, positivity and tenacity. She was a tower of strength.

    We will miss “tante Co”

  13. We are grateful that we could follow the service and be there with you in thoughts and prayer.
    We feel privileged to have known tante Co, your mum and great-grandmum, for so long and will miss her.
    Thank you for sharing some of her life’s stories and your memories of her.
    We wish you all strength, peace and God’s blessings for the time ahead.
    Lots of love from Nellie & Eibert

  14. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult time
    You honoured her in the service and shared with us what was important in her life.
    As did Pastor Leo Douma with his reflection on Psalm 121
    Jos and Dory Goudswaard

  15. My sincere condolences to all the family.
    It was a privilege to attend Co’s funeral; the words that you spoke about Co were proof of how special a person Co was.
    I have known Co for many years and feel very sad about her passing. At the same time I have many lovely memories of Co; of her hospitality and caring nature and her deep faith.
    May God bless you all and strengthen you in these sad days.
    Hang on to the beautiful memories. Corry

  16. A dignified and loving goodbye to a much loved lady. Truly a life well lived. “ We’ll meet Again.”

  17. Dear Ineke ,Rex ,John & Martin,what a wonderful service & tribute the “the worlds greatest Mum”.all 3 generations are a tribute to her & will live on within your hearts forever,love from Marg R,Keith Kelly & Wayne, our love is with you all today

  18. Thank you for allowing us to share in this very personal time as you farewelled a special lady. May the Lord comfort you all as you remember together Co’s life and what she has meant to each one of you. With our love.

  19. Wonderful celebration of the life of Co.
    Lovely eulogy reflections and a wonderful testament to her ‘lifting her eyes’ faith. Thanks for the opportunity to join with you in remembering Co.
    Love from Martin and Anita Hanscamp

  20. Praying for all the family. What a beautiful example of faith and kindness shown through your Mum.
    God Bless.

  21. That was just fantastic and a great tribute to Jacoba Vegt
    Mother and Oma. Just a wonderful tribute.
    Ineke is very naughty as she had me in tears.
    I’d like to thank all the people watching also for the support you have given the Vegt family.

  22. My sincere condolences to the extended family. I have great memories as a kid of Mrs. Vegt being incredibly kind and sweet to me. Always seemed to take time to really talk to us kids. And it was the same if we saw either one of Mr or Mrs Vegt in the Main Street of Monbulk. You just knew the next 15-20 minutes were going to be taken up having a conversation trying to understand a very thick accent. Some of the sweetest people i knew as a kid. Josh Hellema.

  23. May God’s strength, grace and peace surround you all now and in the future. Co has certainly left a great legacy in all of you, and her faithful witness to the love of Jesus has enriched us all. Go gently in His embrace.

  24. Peace and love to you all as we mourn the earthly loss of Co.
    Michelle and Tim Dam, Tarquin, Beatrix and Atticus

  25. Such a lovely service and words from your heart of a beautiful lady. You have so many memories you are very lucky to be able to share that. Love to Ineke and the family

  26. What a beautiful tribute to Co and her life. Lovely memories about a lovely lady. Thank-you for letting us share this with you Ineke and family.

  27. Wishing Martin and Karen, Ineke, Rex and John God’s grace at this tragic time. We know Mrs Vegt is in a better place and pray for the peace and confort for those how are left behind.
    Much love and best wishes Kevin

  28. A few words for my tante Co

    First, I had a few tears to see the TV report of the fire. I was so horrified of it. and how she went to meet her maker. It overwhelmed me somewhat to see the house burnt down you all mostly grew up too.

    Ineke I was told had the last years or so the care of my tante Co your mum.

    A few good memories shared,

    Bart in our family was the first to visit you Monbulk family Veggies. He worked for CP air at the time after high school of our Arie Vegt family. He often talked warmly about the fun he had with you all. Don’t know of any other who came out to see you. Maybe the Holland or others came too. We Rosemary and I came out in “97 for a few days on our honeymoon. Then we had a free flight from Freedom air as a promo for the new airline, it went belly up later. We had a free week then. Stood out in the lineup all-night outside a Starbucks to the town square for our free ticket. It was fun as we dressed in yellow as everybody had to do that as a condition for the free ticket. Airline colors. I was dress as a fisherman’s outfit costume. I will send copied photos much later as its winter here and we have lots to do to keep warm. When we were there, Ineke took us to the Yarra dam site were your dad help build it. Saw a Kangaroo family for the first time. We went to see lorikeets park too We went with her too to the puffing Billy railway for an ice cream with your mum then too. And of course when tante Catrien in ’87 we saw all the Ausy Veggies at the Holiday Inn at the time in Wassenaar. your mum and dad came to Vancouver too long ago. Mother, grandmother, and in law mother and many other ways she shared herself with so many. I know I might have forgotten some as I am just turned 68 years old, my memory fails me. Had a ride in a hot sports car. Non the less yet acknowledge you too. In all Rosemary and I wish you strength in the days ahead with the tragic passing of your mother, grandmother.

    May God help you in the days ahead with the grief and may He comfort you like no other can. Best wishes from Rosemary and Nico Vegt Hamilton New Zealand

    1. Dear Ineke and family,
      We are so sorry for the loss of your Mum and that we can not be with you at this very sad time for all of you.
      As time goes by the fond memories of the good times you shared with your Mum will always be there.
      We are thinking of you.
      Love Carolann and Lawrie

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