The Funeral Service

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28 comments on “James Sinatra”

  1. Shocked to discover Jim’s death almost a year after it occurred. In my experience of him he was a kind-hearted, generous person with a whacky sense of humor and totally unique view of the world. He was not my teacher but a valued colleague for many years at RMIT. I had not seen him for years but stayed loosely in touch via his Face Book page. I am sad that he has gone. Best wishes to Curtis and their family.

  2. My sincere condolences to Curtis & Jim’s family. Jim to me was larger than life. For someone who came from Malaysia and having had the privilege to be a student under Jim’s guidance was magical. Especially on our road trips outside RMIT. He always encouraged me to go outside my comfort zone. Jim, thanking you for the great memories I shared with you and our Landscape Architect friends. Sending you light and love always. Mez xx

  3. I watched the service when it happened. It was worthy of the man it honored. I want to share it with a former student of Jim’s from ISU in the early ‘70s but can’t seem to access it without a password. How do I go about sharing it.

  4. Curtis, a big thank you for your generous send-off and so many years supporting Jim through an incredible life. One of kind who enriched all our lives.

  5. James B.(Benedict) Sinatra was born Feb.3, 1942 in Brooklyn, New York. He died April 25, 2023 at his home in Trentham, Victoria, Australia. Those present said he passed peacefully in his sleep with family by his side. When he had friend or colleague die he would salute them on Facebook to help honor them. I know it is difficult to properly salute someone in a post but I will try. Jim Sinatra deserves more praise than I can give here. He was energetic advocate for peace joy and saving the earth for future generations. Mr. Sinatra was master of landscape architecture and a popular professor at ISU in Ames, Iowa many years. I heard of him before I met him. He was known for being excellent teacher- unique, innovative, creative with an amazing! wealth of information about all things related to earth as well as how to incorporate natural elements into designs of public spaces so all people could use and enjoy. His enthusiasm was contagious as was his passion for environment so he made learning fun. Jim Sinatra lived up to his reputation for being a fascinating teacher and then some: He was a gentleman of wit, wisdom, class, joy and humor. In fall 1976 I was a student of his in L. A. 210. It was not a big lecture hall of 300 but a good size classroom, maybe 75 -100 stuedents. First day of class he called the roll, briefly introduced himself, handed out syllabus that outlined course for next 3 months then invited us to ask him anything. First: Are you related to Frank Sinatra? He said probably he was distant but he wasn’t particularly big fan of Ol Blue Eyes so he didn’t really know. Next: What singer do you like? He said he was a huge fan of Barbra Streisand. I asked: When is your birthday?
    He laughed, “You’ll never remember but told us anyway. Every Feb.3 I remember!
    In era of heavy thick textbooks he chose eco-friendly paperbacks-especially relevant because he was both a student and a friend of the authors. He taught us about geodesic dome and E. Buckminster Fuller-the man who designed it. He made learning relevant, explaining how the concepts he was teaching applied to life. Jim Sinatra took our class on field trips to see yards and gardens he designed in Ames. He also designed public space around Gray’s Lake in Des Moines and was delighted to see recent pictures of that area. Jim Sinatra challenged us to think outside the box, to consider long term impact of decisions made now and to look at life with fresh perspective.

    He had our class decide where to plant trees in the Visitor Center space across street to east of football stadium parking. Years later when tailgating in Lot D3, with great pride I told friends I helped plant trees that are grew tall and beautiful. This is fitting wonderful lasting legacy for a man who made positive influence on me and so many others. I visited him and his wife Curtis(She is also from New York) at 2 homes in Ames. One was a big brick 2 story in middle of town. Curtis had full size harp in middle of living room which was so cool. The other home was award winning contemporary house about a block west of stadium built into a berm and energy efficient. It had 5 foot concrete walls and open feel to it. In 1981 Jim, Curtis and 2 young sons moved to Trentham, Victoria, Australia where they embraced the community and were well loved in return. He was professor of landscape archecture at RMIT University where I understand he pioneered their landscape architecture coursework. He continued designing spaces and co-authored the book “Listen to the people. Listen to the land.”
    In past 8 years I have enjoyed reconnecting with Jim via Facebook, reading his thoughtful posts and comments plus seeing his pictures. He was tender hearted who appreciated all creatures. A praying mantis-walking stick he named “Sticky”was fun pet. After Sticky died he was given a proper send-off with symbolism and ceremony. He had living sculpture in yard made with clumps of grass. He called her ‘Amanda’ and posted picture when wildlife came to visit: Kangaroo says Amanda needs a haircut.

    He found art and beauty where many might see something to toss in garbage.

    A couple years ago he asked me to send copy of textbook from our class because he had misplaced his. My husband Gary found it on Amazon and mailed it to Jim. Just for fun Gary included a tour guide of Iowa book. A month later I received a package in mail of fun prizes most of which celebrate Trentham and that community. It had a book of local artisans with their crafts. He added a BBQ apron with map of Victoria on the front. A favorite was socks with pink flamingos and hand written note: “I hope these bring you joy,.” -Jim

    As he got older he worked to stay active with physical exercise-hiking gardening, photography and academic research. He understood cycles of life and knew his time was coming.

    I don’t think he was afraid to die. I think he looked at it as a grand adventure on which he would embark with awe and a sense of wonder to explore the gardens of heaven eager to see what happens next. I am thankful to God for making this remarkable man and for allowing me to meet him. I am thankful to Iowa State for having world class faculty who make education a priority. James B. Sinatra. You are missed by everyone you know and you will be remembered fondly with all respect and gratitude for sharing your wit and wisdom.

  6. You saluted Jim and sent him off to heaven with a celebration that was so fitting for him. I am a student from 1976 at Iowa State and I really appreciate being able to watch the service. Thank you so much for sharing it. James B. Sinatra had positive impact on me and many others. I will always remember his laughter and lessons he taught. God’s peace. LaVonne Anderson ISU ‘77

  7. Our sincere condolences to Curtis and to all the family on Jim’s passing. Jim has left his mark on so many landscapes across the land which will bare witness to his creative and lasting style of gardens . RIP Jim Sinatra .

  8. A wonderful celebration of Jim’s incredible life. An authentic, humorous, intelligent, wise and consideration human who I was privileged to know for a while. I loved sharing stories with Jim. Blessings to Curtis, Mark, Jonathan and family. A truly remarkable life.

  9. Thanks for providing the online access to the service. I just landed back today from overseas & had hoped to but unable to get to Trentham in time. It was a lovely service with beautiful words. So fitting for such a lovely, beautiful & accomplished man. My thoughts & those of Spencer are with Curtis & Jim’s family & many friends.

  10. Jimbo
    Im sure your keeping an eye on us all.
    Love to Curtis and the family, what a great mob you look over. Thanks for all chats over the years I appreciate your guidance and advice always providing with different ways of looking at opportunities and ideas. Congratulations Phinn what a beautiful way to further understand a great man.
    Farewell Jimbo

  11. Thanks, Jim for being a mentor and teacher.
    Love to Curtis , Mark and Jono and the ever growing familly!
    So many excellent and enduring memories that I cannot begin to count them!

    See you in that great Garden in the sky , Jimmy!
    All my love, Fred

  12. A beautiful service and heartfelt tributes. Thanks for streaming. My sincere condolences to all Jim’s family and friends.

  13. My very best to you Curtis and to Jim’s family – he has been a guide, an inspiration and a valued colleague in my work in the arid lands and beyond. And to Phin who has lost his mentor and best friend. Take good care now and in the future

  14. Curtis and family and to lovely Phin.
    Cheeky Jim and his passions for every facet of life will continue to inspire forever.
    Long life and big hugs
    Donna xxx

  15. I’m sorry to hear of Jim’s passing.
    His work with the landscape architect students and the goolarabooloo community created a path that has profoundly enriched my sons and my life.
    Thank you Jim
    Gabrielle Norden

  16. Our condolences on Jim’s passing. Our thoughts are with you Curtis and your family as you come to terms with your loss.
    Blessings and love. Chris and Wendy

  17. Congratulations on a beautifully lived live dear Jim. You will forever remain my friend and mentor. My condolences to Curtis and family. Hugs to you dear Phin.

    Love always,

  18. Sending love to Curtis, Marc, Jono, Harrison, Cal and the entire family. My heartfelt condolences to you and to all those touched by Jim’s light, love and laughter. I feel blessed and honoured that I had the opportunity to get to know Jim.

  19. Apologies for not being there in person, deepest condolences to Curtis and the whole family. Jim will always have a special place in all of our hearts, he will always be present and part of our thoughts and actions as we travel through life. I will always be thankful for his wisdom and kindness.

  20. Watching the funeral from Ingles St, Port Melb- the old neighbourhood. Still using the little throw rugs you gave me all those years ago. Thinking of you.

  21. So sorry I didn’t go to Jim’s funeral. I’m finding it very hard at the moment after losding Norm.

  22. Thinking of you all and the great challenges of life. For me Jim was the epitome of Joi de vivre, a room was always brighter when he was in it, generous, warm-hearted, and always amusing. I loved sharing the studio with Phin and Jim.

  23. My sincerest condolences to dearest Curtis and family. Jim will remain in our hearts forever. Love Mish Hu

  24. Sincere condolences to Curtis, Jim’s family and Phin. Jim was an authentic man and an inspirational teacher, a delight to work with at RMIT and Dareton.

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