Before The Service

The Service

After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.

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4 comments on “Janice Lowe”

  1. Thank you Warwick,
    Thank you for letting me “meet” your mum after all these years. The tribute was so absolutely beautiful. Something amazing to cherish.
    Your mum was certainly a woman to admire, her indissoluble strength and sense of fun, her obvious ability to love and just how much she was loved.

  2. I am very grateful to the Lowe family for allowing me to be a part of this lovely and moving remembrance of and tribute to Jan. I am so blessed to have known Jan and through this service, I’ve learnt so much about her that I didn’t know. My own personal tribute will be not to be sad anymore, knowing now how much she loved her life and family, sadness is not a suitable rememberance of Jan.
    Thank you everyone

  3. Hi Ron, Warwick, Gavin & family,
    Please accept our apologies for not attending as we’re currently on the Isle of Man, UK.
    We’ve just watched the service & feel blessed that we could feel a part of it even miles away. What a wonderful tribute to Jan.
    Thank you so very much for giving us the opportunity to view it.
    Sending much love to you all. Sue & Paul

  4. Thank you for inviting me to Jan’s service, via very fittingly the movie stream. Even though I am viewing this from Manchester, UK I felt very much as if I was there. What a very special lady, and what a beautiful couple. Your love was apparent to all.

    Sending love to you Ron, and your family.

    Louise, Andi, Elysha and Caylum x

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