After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
Any and Laurine loved the stories of her adventurous youth (and not so younger times) and we have so many fin memories of “the big brown bear”. A good life well lived.., onya JB
I never had the pleasure of meeting Joan but we spoke on a couple of occasions and wrote to each other at Christmas. It was through family research that we connected and I’m so glad that I had the opportunity to pay my respects via this live streaming and find out more about this lovely lady that was so gracious with her time and so giving.
My condolences to all of her family.
Always in my heart.
Miss you x
Any and Laurine loved the stories of her adventurous youth (and not so younger times) and we have so many fin memories of “the big brown bear”. A good life well lived.., onya JB
I never had the pleasure of meeting Joan but we spoke on a couple of occasions and wrote to each other at Christmas. It was through family research that we connected and I’m so glad that I had the opportunity to pay my respects via this live streaming and find out more about this lovely lady that was so gracious with her time and so giving.
My condolences to all of her family.