The Funeral Service

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4 comments on “Joan Maynes”

  1. To Peter, Scott and families, a beautiful service to honour the life of your Mum. I had the pleasure of being your Mum’s yoga teacher for 38 years. She came to class to the end, and will always have a place in my heart. I felt I knew you all, for Joan was so very proud of her family. A beautiful lady, now reunited with the love of her life. God bless her and you all. I am proud to have known her, and shared with her. Sending you all heartfelt love, Judi Mc Vea.

  2. Deepest Condolences Peter, Scott & families.
    Thinking of you all at this sad time.
    Thank you for the opportunity to livestream the lovely service demonstrating what a special & beautiful lady Aunty Joan really was.
    May Aunty Joan RIP
    Sending Love xxx

    Ron Maynes wishes to send his Condolences and special thoughts & prayers to you all as well.

  3. A wonderful service and tribute to Joan and so lovely to see all the family and friends gathered in her honour.

    Lots of love
    David, Gaye, Damien and Kirsty

  4. Beautiful service for such a phenominal lady! As the children and even grandchildren of their neighbours in Ringwood North, we have such fond memories of Joan (and Kev!) which we will always remember. A fantastic tribute, awesome stories and presentation by the family – she would have been so proud!

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