After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
What a lovely service for such a vivacious and colourful woman, Maddie. I am glad that we could watch and listen to the funny stories about the mischief she got up to. What a wonderful and long life she had ! We know she’ll be forever in many people’s hearts – especially yours. We know the grief will hit you in waves. Just know that talking to friends to laugh or shed a tear will help ease the burden.
Bless you.
Love Edith and Catherine
Thank you Tracy for sending the message and the opportunity to be part of The celebration of Ria’s life. How life and time passes. The service was beautiful; superb music. Ria loved music. You were all a huge part of my sister Anna’s and my youth. Ria was just the cheekiest naughtiest fun beautiful soul. She taught me to knit, also. I always felt loved and accepted by Ria. And Tracy, you were like my big sister. I wish you all love and strength at this time of great loss.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful service. The speech and poems really captured tante Ria’s personality, her laugh, kindness and her great humor.
We always looked forward to her visit to the Netherlands, as she always stayed with us. She loved telling me stories about all the family members back home, and I enjoyed listening to it. We are so happy we got to meet Tracy & Hayley on their last trip to Holland.
Tante Ria loved singing Dutch songs with me, and I will always remember the poem she told me over and over again…. I tell this poem now to my little boy before going to bed…
” het ventje van lekkernij”
Ik droomde gister van een ventje
En zijn buikje was van koek
Van sukade was zijn neusje
En van chocolade zijn broek
Het ventje liep op rode klompjes
En die waren van fondant
En een wandelstok van suiker
Hield hij in zijn rechterhand
Weet je wat zijn oogjes waren?
Kleine ronde stukjes drop
En hij had een aardig hoedje
Van rozijnentulband op
Droeg daarbij een aardig jasje
En dat was van pannenkoek
En dat stond hem even netjes als
Zijn chocolade broek
Hij stak zijn armpjes recht naar boven
En hij zei: nu ben ik een reus!
En hij maakte van zijn handjes
Voor de grap een lange neus
Even later ging hij dansen
En hij zong van tralala
En tot slot kreeg ik een stukje
Van zijn broek van chocola
Oh Bonny it was so lovely to know you were with us…she loved you all so much thank you for everything you and your family has done for her…she’ll be with us always…I don’t think I’ve heard that poem..but she certainly had a memory full of them love to all God bless…..Madeleine
Thank you for sharing this wonderful goodbye to your Mum Maddie, it was lovely to learn a little about her life and I know how difficult it is to say goodbye.
Thinking of you and the family today. lots of love Mike McCann and Angela Mallard
What a wonderful tribute to your beautiful mum Maddie ! Loved your stories from childhood, growing up experiences, and you were in no doubt that you were loved ! Your mum lived a very long & full life, but it is still difficult to say goodbye.
Thanking of you at this time. Love Graeme Vear.
Thanks Graeme…it was so wonderful to know that everyone that wanted to be there, could and that all could share my mums story…she really was remarkable, funny and loved. So many more stories to tell…we’ll have a REAL celebration down the eat, laugh and share those stories…stay tuned!…love Maddie
Jeanette’s translation is:
Dear family, condolences to your dear mother. I had nice moments with Aunt Ria. I called her regularly and we had so much fun on the phone. Her smile was infectious… I will miss her and especially the cheerfulness and her smile.
We have wonderful memories of her visits to the Netherlands. Like the beautiful holidays in Italy. And especially her last visit with Tracy and Hayley.
I cherish all these memories. I will never forget her
My sweet little naughty aunt.
I wish my family lots of strength with this loss.
As you used to say …
Goodbye darling, god bless you.
Jeannette & Robin van der Weerden
Thank you for being able to attend this live stream.
Thanks Louise…so much better than I imagined…thanks to the technology…she’ll be with us always…love Maddie
Such a beautiful lady and awesome memories of our trip to Vanuatu
Fond memories that will last a life time
Colin you are very blessed to have such a beautiful Mummy and mother in-law to Sherrie’s and Nanna to your boys
Such a sad time for all for loosing this special lady
Who has now grown her wings to watch over you all
My heart really does break
All my love to all concerned
Lieve familie, gecondoleerd met jullie lieve moeder. Ik heb leuke momenten gehad met tante Ria. Ik belde haar regelmatig en dan hadden we zó veel lol aan de telefoon. Haar lach was aanstekelijk…Ik zal haar en vooral de vrolijkheid en haar lach missen.
We hebben prachtige herinneringen van haar bezoekjes aan Nederland. Zoals de mooie vakanties in Italië. En vooral haar laatste bezoek met Tracy en Hayley.
Al deze herinneringen koester ik. Ik zal haar nooit vergeten
Mijn lieve kleine stoute tantetje.
Ik wens mijn familie heel veel sterkte met dit verlies.
Zoals jij zelf altijd zei…
Goodbye darling, god bless you.
Jeannette & Robin van der Weerden
Bedankt dat we bij deze live stream aanwezig mochten zijn.
As we say farewell to such a vibrant and spirited lady, we remember with love, her warm smile, the twinkle in her eyes and the genuine interest she always had in our family and our lives, whenever we saw her. Our thoughts and prayers are sent to you Maddie, Colin, David, Tracey and all your families at this very sad time. Thank you so much for allowing us to be part of the service and to say our farewells.
With love, Marg and Bill XX
Thanks Wojtek and Helen…the technology is amazing…allowing us to have this beautiful send off for mum…still surrounded by our loved ones near and far…just marvellous….loveM
Beautiful service and memories of you spirited Mother’s life, thanks Madeleine for including me.
Love to you and the family.
❤️ Ann Littleford
Thanks Ann…it was a fitting tribute to a sweet mums BIG life…we’ll be having a real celebration down the track…where food, friends and laughter will take centre stage….we’ll keep you posted….loveM
A beautiful service. Thank you for the wisdom you gave to us, Ria. RIP.
Thank you Louise…It was a lovely service and we were so grateful to be able share this tribute with so many people because of the technology….we are looking forward to having a real celebration with food, pictures and stories down the track…watch this space!! Maddie
A beautiful service for a beautiful lady. You did her proud. xx
Bless you Maddie and family. A beautiful celebration of the life of Ria, your readings and poems captured her spark, humour and zest for life perfectly. Lots of love from Nettie and Patrick
So glad you were able to share her celebration….we hope that later down the track we can have a real celebration…with food, pictures and stories by all who new her
We’ll let you know…take Maddie
What a lovely service for such a vivacious and colourful woman, Maddie. I am glad that we could watch and listen to the funny stories about the mischief she got up to. What a wonderful and long life she had ! We know she’ll be forever in many people’s hearts – especially yours. We know the grief will hit you in waves. Just know that talking to friends to laugh or shed a tear will help ease the burden.
Bless you.
Love Edith and Catherine
Thank you Tracy for sending the message and the opportunity to be part of The celebration of Ria’s life. How life and time passes. The service was beautiful; superb music. Ria loved music. You were all a huge part of my sister Anna’s and my youth. Ria was just the cheekiest naughtiest fun beautiful soul. She taught me to knit, also. I always felt loved and accepted by Ria. And Tracy, you were like my big sister. I wish you all love and strength at this time of great loss.
Good on you Michael…she’ll always be with us…thanks for your love and support love Maddie
Dear family,
Thank you for sharing this beautiful service. The speech and poems really captured tante Ria’s personality, her laugh, kindness and her great humor.
We always looked forward to her visit to the Netherlands, as she always stayed with us. She loved telling me stories about all the family members back home, and I enjoyed listening to it. We are so happy we got to meet Tracy & Hayley on their last trip to Holland.
Tante Ria loved singing Dutch songs with me, and I will always remember the poem she told me over and over again…. I tell this poem now to my little boy before going to bed…
” het ventje van lekkernij”
Ik droomde gister van een ventje
En zijn buikje was van koek
Van sukade was zijn neusje
En van chocolade zijn broek
Het ventje liep op rode klompjes
En die waren van fondant
En een wandelstok van suiker
Hield hij in zijn rechterhand
Weet je wat zijn oogjes waren?
Kleine ronde stukjes drop
En hij had een aardig hoedje
Van rozijnentulband op
Droeg daarbij een aardig jasje
En dat was van pannenkoek
En dat stond hem even netjes als
Zijn chocolade broek
Hij stak zijn armpjes recht naar boven
En hij zei: nu ben ik een reus!
En hij maakte van zijn handjes
Voor de grap een lange neus
Even later ging hij dansen
En hij zong van tralala
En tot slot kreeg ik een stukje
Van zijn broek van chocola
Goodbye darling
Love Bonny
Oh Bonny it was so lovely to know you were with us…she loved you all so much thank you for everything you and your family has done for her…she’ll be with us always…I don’t think I’ve heard that poem..but she certainly had a memory full of them love to all God bless…..Madeleine
Thank you for sharing this wonderful goodbye to your Mum Maddie, it was lovely to learn a little about her life and I know how difficult it is to say goodbye.
Thinking of you and the family today. lots of love Mike McCann and Angela Mallard
What a wonderful tribute to your beautiful mum Maddie ! Loved your stories from childhood, growing up experiences, and you were in no doubt that you were loved ! Your mum lived a very long & full life, but it is still difficult to say goodbye.
Thanking of you at this time. Love Graeme Vear.
Thanks Graeme…it was so wonderful to know that everyone that wanted to be there, could and that all could share my mums story…she really was remarkable, funny and loved. So many more stories to tell…we’ll have a REAL celebration down the eat, laugh and share those stories…stay tuned!…love Maddie
Jeanette’s translation is:
Dear family, condolences to your dear mother. I had nice moments with Aunt Ria. I called her regularly and we had so much fun on the phone. Her smile was infectious… I will miss her and especially the cheerfulness and her smile.
We have wonderful memories of her visits to the Netherlands. Like the beautiful holidays in Italy. And especially her last visit with Tracy and Hayley.
I cherish all these memories. I will never forget her
My sweet little naughty aunt.
I wish my family lots of strength with this loss.
As you used to say …
Goodbye darling, god bless you.
Jeannette & Robin van der Weerden
Thank you for being able to attend this live stream.
Thanks Louise…so much better than I imagined…thanks to the technology…she’ll be with us always…love Maddie
Such a beautiful lady and awesome memories of our trip to Vanuatu
Fond memories that will last a life time
Colin you are very blessed to have such a beautiful Mummy and mother in-law to Sherrie’s and Nanna to your boys
Such a sad time for all for loosing this special lady
Who has now grown her wings to watch over you all
My heart really does break
All my love to all concerned
Lieve familie, gecondoleerd met jullie lieve moeder. Ik heb leuke momenten gehad met tante Ria. Ik belde haar regelmatig en dan hadden we zó veel lol aan de telefoon. Haar lach was aanstekelijk…Ik zal haar en vooral de vrolijkheid en haar lach missen.
We hebben prachtige herinneringen van haar bezoekjes aan Nederland. Zoals de mooie vakanties in Italië. En vooral haar laatste bezoek met Tracy en Hayley.
Al deze herinneringen koester ik. Ik zal haar nooit vergeten
Mijn lieve kleine stoute tantetje.
Ik wens mijn familie heel veel sterkte met dit verlies.
Zoals jij zelf altijd zei…
Goodbye darling, god bless you.
Jeannette & Robin van der Weerden
Bedankt dat we bij deze live stream aanwezig mochten zijn.
As we say farewell to such a vibrant and spirited lady, we remember with love, her warm smile, the twinkle in her eyes and the genuine interest she always had in our family and our lives, whenever we saw her. Our thoughts and prayers are sent to you Maddie, Colin, David, Tracey and all your families at this very sad time. Thank you so much for allowing us to be part of the service and to say our farewells.
With love, Marg and Bill XX
Beautiful celebration of your mum Maddie. Helen and Wojtekxx
Thanks Wojtek and Helen…the technology is amazing…allowing us to have this beautiful send off for mum…still surrounded by our loved ones near and far…just marvellous….loveM
Beautiful service and memories of you spirited Mother’s life, thanks Madeleine for including me.
Love to you and the family.
❤️ Ann Littleford
Thanks Ann…it was a fitting tribute to a sweet mums BIG life…we’ll be having a real celebration down the track…where food, friends and laughter will take centre stage….we’ll keep you posted….loveM
A beautiful service. Thank you for the wisdom you gave to us, Ria. RIP.
Thank you Louise…It was a lovely service and we were so grateful to be able share this tribute with so many people because of the technology….we are looking forward to having a real celebration with food, pictures and stories down the track…watch this space!! Maddie
A beautiful service for a beautiful lady. You did her proud. xx
Thank you so much…she’ll always be with us…love Maddie
Johanna had a laugh that was infectious, I will miss your smiling face, stories and presence at the family functions.
Bless you Maddie and family. A beautiful celebration of the life of Ria, your readings and poems captured her spark, humour and zest for life perfectly. Lots of love from Nettie and Patrick
So glad you were able to share her celebration….we hope that later down the track we can have a real celebration…with food, pictures and stories by all who new her
We’ll let you know…take Maddie