The Funeral Service

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63 comments on “John Coxhead”

  1. Thank you for sharing with us such a special moment. It makes me cry… It was a lovely funeral. We will pray for you. Love

  2. Dearest Jan, Gemma, Mark, Simon and all your family, Thank you for inviting us to share in thIs most memorable and heartfelt farewell to a great man. A moving and eloquent farewell, wonderful life stories we will not forget. Much love to you all. Deepest love and respect. Ian & Rikki. Love and prayers forever xxx

    1. THANKYOU sincerely Rikki & Ian for tuning in being their with your prayers for my father, Rob said he learnt a lot amount him from maxs reflections. It is so wonderful that we have such wonderful kids and that they will soon have their own family unit. I’m so proud to have Robert as another son and to see all the kids get along so famously together. Xx
      Noah john will be a strong character esp like his ancestors john & Ian

  3. Dear Jan, Max and family,

    John was a great bloke, loved by all who knew him. In our case, only a few short years, but will remain in our hearts forever. He and Betty are together again – R.I.P.

    1. THANKYOU both gig being such sincere and thoughtful friends to dad at the wine bar then with your visits to Doncaster St . Dad loved you both very much cx

  4. Dear Jan and family, We thought this a lovely tribute to your dear dad. Bought back many memories of stories we have heard from you over the years. We laughed and cried at the contributions from you all. I will never forget staying at your parents place in 1979 and being absolutely terrified of the guard magpie that lived there. I laugh about it now that I know a lot more about magpies. A home of generosity and love. Beautiful memories for you all. xxxxx Sue Campbell and Rod Meldrum, Launceston Tasmania ( currently Watsonia Melbourne).

    1. THANKYOJ sincerely my dear friends for tuning in to dads service. Like you rod dad was a larrikin and loved a laugh. He liked you both very much xx

  5. Dear Len, Eva, Max, Jan, Tim and extended family,
    Deepest condolences to you all. May your wonderful memories carry you through this difficult time. A beautiful service today. Your Dad/Pa would have been proud. All our love – Sandra & Peter xx

  6. Uncle John I will miss you even though we were miles apart you always made me welcome when i came for a holiday or a sleep over
    I remember the last time I came for a short visit I was privileged that you let me have a go of the train set and you showed me around ascotvale and while driving to the chemist to get Aunty Bets tablets there was a couple of old fogies and you wolf whistled at them and when they were looking you pointed at me and shook ya head to say wasn’t me
    Or the time when i was much younger you gave me a hug and rubbed ya whiskers all over my face turned off beards for rest of my life still today i cant communicate with blokes with beards and feel comfortable thanks John
    One thing that I remember about you John is when my dad was alive you and him were mates and he used to tease you on your name especially the surname he used it just to torment you (dickhead) when he would come for a visit at yarraville
    And last thing I remember on your 50th Birthday I had a son named him John but little did I know it was your birthday the same day and you rang me and you was so proud that I named him John so every year he has a birthday I remember your
    Love you and will miss you too RIP reunited with Bet
    from your favorite niece Christine (muffy) and family

    1. Thanks Chrissy, Dad really enjoy the time you stayed with him a couple of years ago. He loved all the lollies lol. He loved you dearly christine. Xx

  7. Dear Janice, Mark, Simon, Gemma & family, thinking of you all sending our love. Lovely send off for your beloved Pa .

    1. THANKYOU sincerely Beth & Gary for being part of our tribute to my father. Like your father Beth he was a much loved family man xx

    2. THANKYOU so much Beth & Gary in joining us today to celebrate the life of a good man we’ll loved. Just like your father Beth xx

  8. To all the Coxhead family, I felt privileged to view this committal service and hear the stories of John’s life. You all spoke so well and shared wonderful moments of John’s life which will live on in all of us.
    That he was loved is so evident and heart warming to listen to. Thank you.

    1. THANKYOU Fiona, lovely that you were able to join us. Yes he certainly was a well lived & very loved man xx

  9. Max, Jan, Len & Tim
    Such a moving tribute to your dad. You did him proud. Your dad was certainly a rough diamond and a character indeed. My sincerest condolences to you and your families XX

    1. Penny & robin
      THANKYOU kindly for the brilliant Aussie flowers delivered this morning in person. It was such a welcomed delight hugging a dear Sister and knowing robin was tuning in too meant the world to me xx

    1. Mel & Brian, your prayers thoughtfulness and support has been warming. I’m so glad you could tune in with us today to give tribute to a good man xx

  10. A lovely service and beautiful words spoken by all.
    We can certainly see so many of your dads traits in you Len ♥️♥️♥️
    Again our thoughts and prayers with you all
    Love Sigi and Gary xxxx

    1. THANKYOU kindly Nat, means the world to me that you were able to view dads tribute. I’m so honoured you were able to send him distant healing in his time of critical need. Xx

  11. Max, Len, Jan, Tim
    Great memories of a great man he did a lot for us behind the scenes and was always welcoming to us
    Sadly missed
    sincere condolences
    Raoul Glenda & family

    1. I’m so glad Roal that you were able to share with me the other day reminding me of what my Dad meant to your Father, your story of last year visiting Italy was truly Godly inspirational Xx

  12. To Max, Len, Jan and Tim.
    Thinking of you at this most difficult time.
    May your Dad and Mum be re-united in Love.
    Mike, Bronwyn, Tristan and Adam.

  13. Dear Max & Family,
    John will be missed greatly. He lived a good innings with plenty of passion, advise & carisma. Still remember him & you arguing over small stuff at the Cellars & finally making up. He lived like a Legend! May Father RIP.
    Regards, Vinee & family

    1. You’re a darling Suze, thanks Sister for tuning in and visiting afterwards with your lovely present xx

  14. Dear Max, thinking of you and your family today. I would love seeing your father’s smiling face at AVC. He will be missed by all of us. Mark R.

  15. Dear Len and Eva and family
    Our condolences to you in the loss of your dad. Our thoughts are with you today.
    Love Sigi and Gary and family xxxx

  16. Thankyou Max Len Jan and Tim for sharing John’s farewell service with me. John was a true blue and proud of his family and country. I feel blessed by the inclusion in your family at special invite from Betty and John. Bless them both now back together . Love to all x

    1. THANKYOU sister I’m so glad you Were able to tune in with us, To be officially classed as one of their daughters, I’m truly honoured to call you An offical sister Xx dad & mum absolutely adored you xx

  17. Dear Max and family,
    Lorraine and I met John from the many visits to Doncaster Street, especially at BBQs Max hosted there. This is also where we met Betty and the greater friends and Coxhead family. John would perch with his beer holding his wry smile as he took in his surrounding at his home. He stamped his strong persona and his authority on us all. He didn’t take fools well, he didn’t boast and tempered his timely considered responses. He was a genuine family man, a dedicated man from a now long gone era.
    We all loved him ….
    Rod and Lorraine

    1. THANKYOU Rod & Lorraine for helping us pray and celebrate the life of a good man. And I trust you’ll watch over that other bearded good man (in Castlemaine) for me Rod xx

  18. Dear Janice & family
    Sitting with you from afar and sending much love strength & support as we all sit together to honour your beautiful dad.
    Another gentleman looks down from the sky

    Emma & Amelia

    1. THANKYOU sincerely Emma for tuning in assisting in praying and celebrating the life of my father. THANKYOU for coming into my world which is a brighter place because of that xx

    1. Dear Jan
      Sending love & light to you & your father, wishing him a safe journey to the Astral world.
      ♥ Michelle

    2. THANKYOU Michelle got tuning in with us and giving light love and your dear calming energy to my father. Xx

    3. Beautiful Jani and family
      Jani s DAD always my DAD
      Together we all made a team
      Together with mum now my dearest friend . You are one off the best DADs I know legend in deed I will miss you
      Don Don

    4. That was the longest & most amazing funeral that I have experienced. No wonder Jan is so amazing! A life worth living.
      Wishing John a wonderful journey towards the light.

    5. Thx Don Don fog being part of my fathers committal service especially THANKYOU for all the times I rang you to assist in brightening up my father on our calls cx

    6. MARG & Annie sincere thanks for being part of our committal service for my father. He would’ve adored you two as I do xx

  19. Dear Max and Family. Sorry on your loss. John always made me feel like a part of the family. Had some great times spending Sunday arvo having cheese and many wines at John and Betty’s house. Will treasure the time spent with him and listening to his many stories. Rip John reunited with your beautiful wife xxx

  20. Dear Max, Jan, Tim, Len, Eva and the rest of the family,
    I am sending my deepest condolences to you all. As you all know John was like a Grandfather to me and I will miss him dearly. John always had the best stories and the best moral. May he rest in paradise with his lovely Betty.
    Love always Laura Inguanti

    1. THANKYOU Laura for being my fathers favourite hair dresser / barber !!! He adored you dearly xx

  21. Dear Janice and family

    John used to visit the Ascot Vale Library One day John sparked up a conversation with me and from that day we connected and I always loved when he used to tell me stories he was a great story teller.
    I loved how devoted he was towards his family he absolutely adored you Janice .His face used to light up like a Christmas tree when he spoke of you, his wife Betty and his grandchildren.
    I am certainly going to miss Johns presence at Ascot Vale Library but I know though John has passed I hang on to the happy memories of a warm and generous spirit!

    1. Dear Coxhead Family,
      Thinking of you all, sending my love and prayers.
      May Great uncle John Rest in Peace now.
      Love and condolences.
      Kaiden J.

    2. THANKYOU Kerry for being dads favourite librarian for joking around with him and giving him such excellent librarian service all those years. He adored you xx

    3. THANKYOU sincerely Keri, dad loved his trips to the ascot vale library getting his books and videos you’d selected for him. He enjoyed sharing stories with you and thought the world of you and your Kindness thoughtful ways

  22. Dear Jan and family,
    Remembering John’s cheerful and young soul, his kindness and young spirit will forever remain in our hearts. We can not forget our first meet at Melbourne, at his house, where he and Betty made feel as our home. He was always telling us great stories with wise advice at once. He has always the look of a young spirit Betty was so gentle always with him and they rise such a good family. We remember some nice dinner and picnic at his place having fun and laughing a lot. We are very sorry for not be with you at this difficult time. Now Betty and John are again together in God’s divine light. May he rest in peace with Betty! A big hug from Spain of Maria, Vicente and Alejandro. Love

    1. THANKYOU sincerely my dearest Spanish family. My parents adored you both and welcomed Alejandro as their own. I have intentIon to attend my grandsons tenth birthday. If not before then ???? Lynn said she’d come too! I’m sure soon all this Covid nonsense will die down and the global community can travel again freely. I’m so glad you got to tune in with us cx

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