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6 comments on “John Grace”

  1. Sorry I missed the celebration of John’s life.We go back to Primary School days kept in touch.Bubbly personality despite the traumas he faced and fought with humor and love.Great man , very smart and passionate about many issues.
    Will always remember with appreciation of his talents.

  2. Annie Godde(Sier) A beautiful service honouring a great human being. A true friend and quiet achiever with a bold thirst for life

  3. We remember vividly how much enthusiasm and good humour John always brought to family Christmas dinners, birthdays, and other family occasions. We especially remember how strong and supportive John was, for Mary-Lynn and Lucy, when his brother-in-law, Peter, died. John was always there for anyone who needed him. As the generous remembrances during the moving service made very clear, he was a big-hearted man whose passing will leave a huge gap in the continuing lives of his family and friends.

  4. It was a fitting service of wonderful memories of a remarkable man. Rest in peace John.

  5. A dear friend, father figure, mentor and larrikin!
    I will never forget these words you wrote to me not so long ago and sum you up perfectly.
    “BUT, never forget the friendship we have, the humour that we enjoy and the respect for humanity that should set us aside from the manufactured, plastic, elitist and non genuine pretenders … I will write to you shortly but I have to make money right now as the races have started!!!! Copulator.”
    You will be so dearly missed. Your “favourite little Lebo” xoxo

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