Streaming of Funeral Service

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28 comments on “John Nolan”

  1. Rip John.
    Thank you for the music. I only had the pleasure of seeing you play on three occasions having moved from the Uk to Melbourne in 1999 but your music made a lasting impression on me.
    My condolences to your family and friends.

  2. What a lovely memorial service for John. I loved listening to each person who spoke at his eulogy and found I learnt alot about John & the spirit of John & the power of his friendships.

    A beautiful, gentle & kind cousin taken way too early but he had packed a lot into his life.
    He was unique and so well loved by so many & had so many talents.

    I know he had a love and passion for his family and friends along with music and his guitar.

    May he now Rest in Peace with Uncle Marty and his friends who have gone before him.

    All our love, thoughts and support to Aunty Glenyse, Paul, Kathy, David & your families.

    Jane, Justin, Armani & Lachlan Clark xxxx

  3. The memorial service was a fitting tribute. John may never have had a guitar lesson but he gave me some great lessons between 2004 & 2011. Condolences from Paul & Monica.

  4. Rest In Peace, John.
    Lots of love to your family.
    Say hi to my brother over there and have fun guys…
    Kisses from France.
    Louis Hanon

  5. Thanks for the moments and memories in time we’ve shared. Being bemused that some guitarists just don’t get it when one says ‘let’s lay a track of feedback’. I’m grateful to have spent time in your company to talk, share tales, record, mix you live, jam, play on stage and well, just understand the unspoken of the good bad and ugly.
    RIP John xxx until we meet again xxx

  6. I am glad John’s service was streamed and I was able hear a little more of his life’s journey through those that knew him well and loved him dearly.
    It offered me a chance to reminisce.
    Many tears shed as I was transported back to my youth.
    I only have wonderful memories of him smiling and getting his gear sorted at gigs such as The Tote in Collingwood in the days of The Powder Monkeys.
    I first noticed his presence at Greville Records in the late 80’s, such a busy record store… he was always so friendly and smiled or acknowledged me even before I had met him.
    I always used to walk by in the late 80’s early 90’s and see him and Warren and all the other “cool” people.
    I remember he always wore denim flares, converse sneakers, tall and skinny with his long Rock n roll hair often tied back.
    In 1991 I was at a Beast of Bourbon gig at the Palace in St. Kilda and afterwards John, Simon Keeler, Noni Dowling, Steve from Ballarat came back to my place in Eildon Rd. St. Kilda via a pit stop at Topolino’s Pizza in Fitzroy st (to soak up the alcohol).
    We sat up into the wee hours talking about his love of books and all genres of music. He shared his enthusiasm for literature reeling off books I just had to read and discover.
    I remember he came to our housewarming party in Frederick St. Windsor later that year where I’m sure we were all on mushrooms hanging out by the barrel fire pit in the back yard.
    He was always such a gentleman to me and always up for a chat…thinking of him, takes me back to the fondness of my wild youth and fun times. I’m glad he was a part of it … everyone loved John Nolan.

  7. RIP Johnny you legend
    My Powder Monkeys T Shirt arrived a few days before you passed. Fond memories of jamming at the England St house Way back in 87. Memories live on as does your music.
    Rock on brother. Condolences to Kathy and David and family

  8. RIP John.
    one of the best guitarists I’ve ever seen.

    As everyone mentioned in the service, you were also much more than just that. What a wonderful collection of thoughts and memories.

    Thanks for the music.

    Condolences to the Nolan family

  9. John I remember meeting you at the Cherry Bar and you sat down and chatted with me for a good half hour about music and life in general. You always had time to say Hi whenever you saw me! I always loved seeing you play. Thanks for leaving so much incredible music for us to enjoy. Lots of love and rest in peace, Pauline xx

  10. John, I consider myself to be one lucky lad to have known you. Those Stockholm to Victoria phone calls got expensive but they were worth it. And we did get your amp home for you, something I will remain proud of playing a part in forever.

    Rest easy, mate. You are never alone.

  11. Was beautiful shead a tear at work found a hidey hole to watch service .R.I.P. John. Sadly missed Toff .Roachy .Rod . Loved that memory you shared with me about rods road trip to DRI. In the anarchy mobile.great times .skateboarding with roachy and Simon talking records cool times were had .always in our hearts mate .my condolences to the family.

  12. Was beautiful shead a tear at work found a hidey hole to watch service .R.I.P. John. Sadly missed Toff .Roachy .Rod . Loved that memory you shared with me about rods road trip to DRI. In the anarchy mobile.great times .skateboarding with roachy and Simon talking records cool times were had .always in our hearts mate .

  13. Honoured to be present on line to pay tribute to John and his life and passion and hear Dave and his friends speak so honestly of John.
    His vulnerability and courage. And raw gift and honesty inspiring and challenging so many with his presence and music and being true to himself and all he loved.
    Condolences to Glenyce, Kathy, Dave, Paul and family, and thanks to Sacred Heart and Fr John.
    love you John, rest in peace
    Mary and Chris Nolan (Meredith and MMF)

  14. Beautiful John , you turned me on to all the best things I’ve carried with me through life.. All the new ideas, bands, books and general life philosophies you shared with us in the England St house ..You saved me from the boredom of white-bread Geelong in my teens and it sent me out into the wide blue yonder in search of truth and beautiful, deep friendships and experiences. My life is richer for knowing you and the memories of watching you bend sound are indelibly imprinted on my soul. I’m so glad we got to talk in recent years and lately, it was healing mate…Deepest love and sympathy to the extended Nolan clan. May you find peace within the love and care we all extend to you. See you on the other side John xoxo

  15. Grateful to see John remembered so well and to hear all these stories and loving words for him. Rest in Peace brother, it was a pleasure knowing you. Sad to think I won’t run into you at a gig again and my condolences to John’s family and friends.

  16. John, will miss your quick smile, your laughter, your good nature, and of course your razor sharp guitar playing. Go well, old buddy. Al

  17. Thank you for letting us join the service from the other side of the world. John and his music meant so much to so many people. A lovely service and to all of those who spoke, thank you so much for sharing what John meant to you. Thank you to everyone at Sacred Heart Church as well. Rock in peace Johnny. Please tell Marty that I said g’day too.

  18. Thank you for your music and your great chats… always a pleasure being in your company…. RIP….. love Helen and Michael

  19. John was an absolute legend!!! I loved seeing him in action with the Powder Monkeys in the 90’s. He was a magic guitar player and was so full of music knowledge xxxx
    Thanks for those awesome times and keep making music wherever you are x
    Lots of love to his family and loved ones

  20. I love you John
    You left a mark on me like a spark of gold
    We talked so long about music…touring…and everything.
    Your stage presence was phenomenal and unrivalled
    I watched you play many times in awe
    Speechless and blown away
    Thank you for sharing this with me and many many others
    I will remember these times forever

  21. My thoughts are with John’s family I miss John Nolan he was good to me always we had chats about Dave Thomas and GOD the band funny that he always had pearly wisdom I have that to hold onto . I first met John iwhen he was in Bored first ep. Old Greek theatre with Dave Thomas . Many awesome memories of him playing over the years . Lost track then still remember me and proud to know him ❣️

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