The Funeral Service

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20 comments on “Juliane Stopa”

  1. Lovely memories of Julz and our thoughts are with you Martin, Lisa & Family. Always good thoughts, fun and lots of laughter come to mind when Julz was involved. Your laugh will always be remembered. Rest Peacefully Julz. Love Kerryn & David xo

    1. Thanks Kerryn
      Where has the time gone ☹️ Mums surely missed her laugh and character was hilarious

  2. Dear Martin, Lisa and family,
    My heartfelt condolences to you all, l know your mum meant the world to you and she adored you all immensely.
    So many moments shared with great laughter during the years we lived in Millgrove. I cherish those times.
    I will remember your mum’s great laugh, sense of humour, her kindness, the one and only Jules.
    Lisa & Paul Hobby
    Faith + Grace

    1. Thanks lise
      And we can’t forget our spiral perms well yours looked amazing mine was disasterous. Also our introduction to cask wine on the front verandah in millgrove she will me so missed by us

  3. Dear Lisa, Jason and family,
    Beautiful service.
    May you now rest peace peacefully Juliane.
    Sending you love and our deepest condolences.
    Alida and Ian xx

    1. Thanks alida & Ian
      Also for The lovely flowers and your meals while we were going through treatments . The good ones go too soon ☹️❤️

  4. Our condolences to you all, such loving words describing a much loved Mother Grandmother and friend. Rest in Peace Juiliane
    Love Michelle & Gino

    1. Thanks ros
      She will be missed in our lives as well as the Facebook world . Such a shame we couldn’t catch up she would have loved it

  5. A beautiful service. The courage shown by the family was amazing. Speeches were wonderful and heartfelt. Taya and Kai did so well. Jules would have been so proud. Jules, you will be greatly missed. RIP. Much love to all. Lisa, David, Aurelius and Roma xxx

    1. Thanks lise
      It sure was a hard thing to do life won’t be the same that’s for sure

  6. Lisa , Martin & Family.
    A beautiful service for a beautiful lady.
    Our deepest condolences to you all.
    Fond memories will remain forever, back in the 80’s at the Milk Bar.
    May Juliane’s spirit live on, and continue to watch over you all.⚘
    Sending our Love
    Belinda, Josie (mum) and family.

    1. Thanks guys
      Yes the milkbar was awesome times with your mum mine and me stealing chewing gum for you wish I could turn back the clock and thank your mum too ❤️

  7. Dearest Lisa & Family, I wish I had the words to heal your pain, but there are none with such power. All I can do is Love on you and your family and join in your memories of fun times, joy and laughter of those shared with you and your Mum. I’ll always remember her as welcoming, kind, fun, and everyone included. Thank you Juliane for giving me happy memories and continuing your giving through Sharing your happy times With Loved ones and your beautiful Comments and “Loves” to our family through Social Media, you have touched my heart. Xxoo Much love to you all, From The Bengelsdorf Family.

    1. Thanks Marty
      She was allways fun when we were growing up as teens she was like one of us really living her youth again but with the security of a nice home and warm bed . She’ll be missed but never forgotton

  8. My condolences to all of Juliane’s family. We connected through Facebook but had not seen each other since going to primary school at St.Mark’s Fawkner.
    Such a beautiful soul. Love and Peace to all . Margaret Ould

    1. Thanks margaret
      She Loved growing up in Fawkner some really awesome memories for us growing up in the northern suburbs

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