The Funeral Service

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11 comments on “June Thornton”

  1. Sorry we couldn’t be with you. It was a beautiful service and a heartfelt celebration of June’s life. We feel very privileged to have known her as a wonderful neighbour and friend. Our thoughts are with Eric and all the family.

  2. Rest in peace Aunty June, lots of love to Uncle Eric and all of our cousins from Warren, Cathryn and family.

  3. Thinking of you all today. Sorry we could not be there. It was a wonderful service and a great celebration of her life. Many great stories and memorable photos. We will miss you Nan Nan, Rest in Peace. Phil, William and Emily Bennet

  4. Very difficult time for all of you, on the eve of Mother’s Day to say farewell to your beautiful June, wife, mother, nan nan, friend, and loved family member. Our hearts are with yours. May she dance with the angels now.
    Linda Atkinson, Lauren Landells, and Jordan Landells.

  5. Thinking of June’s beloved family today. Although I didn’t know her personally I have heard what a wonderful wife and mother she was through David and Lee sharing stories with me. I hope today is a wonderful celebration of her life despite the profound loss and grief. May she be at peaceful rest.

  6. Very special thoughts of you all on this day. I will remember Aunty June, most for her lovely smile, always dressed in the red and white – Lots of Love to Uncle Eric and families !!

  7. Rest in peace Nan Nan. Sorry I can’t be there but thinking of the family. Hope everyone can get together after the service and watch the swannies win for her. We’ll miss you dearly.

  8. Sorry I can’t be with you day!
    June was a good friend to me & I thank her for that. Like you I will miss her but we can rest in the knowledge that she is now resting peacefully in the care of our Lord.
    My special thoughts are for Eric who mourns the loss of his lifelong partner, a great losS.
    May God bless you and keep you all in his loving care!

  9. Jim Atkinson
    Sorry I could not be with you all today. I consider June to be one of my dear friends & like you will miss her. Be at peace now as she rests in the Peace of our Lord.
    God bless you all. My particular thoughts are with Eric as he mourns the loss of a his lifelong partner.

  10. With much love to Uncle Eric and all the family. I will miss Aunty June’s sunny smile and twinkling eyes. Barbara

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