The Memorial Service

Following the service, the footage will be posted and you can watch at a later time if you were unable to watch at the time of the service.

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5 comments on “Jürgen Salwat”

  1. Dear Brigitte,
    thank you your kinds words. Your farwell speech has touched us. We will never forget Jürgen.
    Liebe Brigitte, danke für deine lieben Worte. Deine Abschiedsrede hat uns sehr berührt. Wir werden Jürgen nie vergessen.

  2. Brigitte and family wishing you healing and let the wonderful memories sustain you. What a rich life you were able to have together. Love Helga and Herman Lobert.

  3. Sehr beruehrend… Jürgen wird immer einen Platz in unseren Herzen haben, es bleiben die vielen schönen gemeinsam erlebten Momente.

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