Before the Service
The Service
After watching the service online, if you can leave a guest message to let the family know you have joined into the service, that would be greatly appreciated.
The streaming of the footage is depended upon the available internet connection within the area. We stream via a 4G Telstra WiFi unit which has a 95% coverage. When working via a mobile internet connection, we can come upon internet connection issues.
We will work to address these issues at the time. If connection issues outside our control occur, we ensure the fastest possible upload of the service for those unable to attend to view.
The streaming of the footage is depended upon the available internet connection within the area. We stream via a 4G Telstra WiFi unit which has a 95% coverage. When working via a mobile internet connection, we can come upon internet connection issues.
We will work to address these issues at the time. If connection issues outside our control occur, we ensure the fastest possible upload of the service for those unable to attend to view.
If you are experiencing any problems with this page, please click on the Live Chat option on the right hand side of the screen or send a text message to Belinda on 0417 560 757.