The Funeral Service

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6 comments on “Kenneth ‘Ken’ Wellard”

  1. Oh, Oh, Family Wellard. What a wonderful send off for Ken. He would have been so pleased and proud of you all. The speeches, tributes, music, conduct, venue and service. His children and partners and especially his grandchildren. Congratulations to all and especially Greg for his summation. So good. Would like to add my tribute to a solid and long time friend. My late wife Denise was Shirley’s cousin. First met Ken at our wedding in 1961. Most impressive was when he would bring frozen >melted>frozen ice-creams when in Belgrave as a driver for Peters. Next in Ballarat and stayed with them in their van. Bit cramped and spent half the night crunching the gravel walking the park feeling sorry for them. After their caravan era Denny convinced and helped them buy a home in Dandenong so we could see them regularly. Obtained employment for our youngest son at Federal-Mogul where Ken worked as a courier. On retirement Ken and Shirley worked for me as cleaners and Ken in addition as honorary gardener for at least 10 years. They always put in extra and were magnificent. Once they retired they both inspected every week and convinced us to rehire! A change to the flat in Bruce St. close to our rooms and after Shirley’s death Ken continued voluntarily to keep an eye open. Such regular contact for so long so valuable. Of the old school in behavior and values and will remain always in fondest memories. Barry Butler.

  2. Dear Greg & Lyn and the extended family,
    Thank you for letting us attend the celebration of Ken’s wonderful life today. He was from what we have heard today a very industrious and proud family man and was a much respected father, grandfather and great grandfather and we could see from the tributes how much ‘Poppa’ was adored by all, (we loved the sunglasses as well). Ken was also a successful business man in many fields, (I wish my Dad would have been a Peters Ice Cream man), but at least my Dad was an avid gardener for the whole of his life like your Dad – it must have been that era.
    Our very best wishes and cherish your beautiful memories.
    Ted & Robyn

  3. R.I.P. Ken,
    Pity no one informed us on how ill you were. Trent is devastated that he didn’t get to say goodbye.
    Daughter In-Law Debbie,(still legally married) and grandson Trent.

  4. Dear Lorraine, Bob and family,
    Such a lovely farewell to Ken, he was a much loved man and you have many wonderful memories to treasure. It brought back many memories of Ken to Simon too. Love from Simon “Syd” and Jan

  5. A wonderful family tribute by all. Beautiful Congratulations on a job well done.
    My sincere condolences to you all. Love Clairex

  6. Loved you Kenny Boy. So greatful to have many wonderful memories of you and Shirl and our many holidays and times together.
    You were always so thankful for everything and even if a meal didn’t taste to great you would say bloody beautiful Roz lovely dinner.

    We had many laughs over the years. We spent many hours together once shirl left, talking, watching tv, shopping, going to the club, going to the cemetery just doing the things you liked to do.

    Kenny boy you made the most of the nursing home and loved the food, bingo, games, singalongs and outings and they all loved you in there. It was fun visiting you and having dinner with you and your friends and watching many hours of cricket and footy and every news hour that was on the tv.

    As the years passed you missed Shirley girl more and more and just wanted to be with her.

    I know now you are where you want to be and I thank you for your love and all the wonderful memories Simon, Linsey, Ric and I have.

    Rest In Peace Kenny Boy give Shirley girl a big hug.
    Luv ya ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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